This travel planning helps users plan their bucket-list vacations. After creating an account, users can then create vacations which will be listed on their "My Trips" page. They can then assign activities to the specific vacation and check out vacations planned by others.
- Javascript
- Express.js
- Node.js
- EJS Templates
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Bootstrap
- Main index page- Shows a world map and a list of trending destinations determined by overall hit count. Users must sign in to create account or view trips created by others
- User create an account- Pop-up modal, collects data for that model
- Create account- Post request to create user redirect to main index page with nav changed to allow users to access their trips. Viewing trips created by others now enabled.
- User goes to "My Trips" page, message saying "no trips created yet" for no trips, else lists trips.
- User clicks on trip (takes to trip show-page). Shows planned trip details
World map shows all trip destinations, or trending?- Additional fields to add to trip model:
- Restaurants they want to visit
- Cultural events
- Historical sites
- Additional Stretch Goals
- Social Media (incorporate friends feature)
- Allow users to sign-in through google
- Like feature to determine trending
- Allow users to add trip or activity created by other users to their page
- Liam- HTML EJS Models, user routes
- Michael- CSS [grid / FlexBox], trip routes
- Luther- API and bootstrap
- Steven- Backend JS jquery middleware
Working full-stack application, built by our team using Node.js, Mongoose, Express and EJSAdhere to MVC file structureAt least one non-user model with all 7 RESTful routes and full CRUDA User model with functioning registration, log-in and log-out abilitiesYour non-user model is connected to the user that created itA git repository not inside the class repoAt least 1 GitHub commit & push per dayBe deployed online and accessible to the public via HerokuA file with a link to your hosted app, explanations of the technologies used, the approach was taken, unsolved problems, user stories, and notes to yourself so you can come back to your project later in the course and be able to pick up your train of thought, etc