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Name Version
azurerm n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_container_group.aci resource
azurerm_network_profile.net_prof resource


Name Description Type Default Required
container_instance_name The name of the container instance string n/a yes
dns_name_label The name of a DNS label if used string null no
identity_ids Specifies a list of user managed identity ids to be assigned to the VM. list(string) [] no
identity_type The Managed Service Identity Type of this Virtual Machine. string "" no
ip_address_type What the ip address type is if used string null no
key_vault_key_id If a CMK is used, the key ID used to encrypt the instances string null no
location The location for this resource to be put in string n/a yes
network_profile_name If a private network is used, the name of that network profile. string null no
os_type The OS type for the container instance string n/a yes
restart_policy The restart policy of the container, defaults to Always string "Always" no
rg_name The name of the resource group, this module does not create a resource group, it is expecting the value of a resource group already exists string n/a yes
settings Specifies the Authentication enabled or not any false no
subnet_ids The subnets the container instance is connected to list(string) [] no
tags A map of the tags to use on the resources that are deployed with this module. map(string)
"source": "terraform"
use_legacy_network_profile Whether or not to use legacy network profile bool false no
vnet_integration_enabled If vnet integration is enabled. can only be activated on a Linux container bool null no


Name Description
aci_id The id of the container instance
aci_name The name of the Azure container instance
aci_network_profile_interface The interface block
aci_network_profile_interface_ids The interface Ids
aci_principal_id Client ID of system assigned managed identity if created


A module used to deploy an Azure container instance based on some parameters 🔥








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