resource "azurerm_cognitive_account" "accounts" {
for_each = { for key, value in var.cognitive_accounts : key => value if value.create == true }
location = each.value.location
name =
resource_group_name = each.value.rg_name
tags = each.value.tags
sku_name = upper(each.value.sku_name)
kind = each.value.kind
custom_subdomain_name = try(each.value.custom_subdomain_name, null)
dynamic_throttling_enabled = try(each.value.dynamic_throttling_enabled, null)
fqdns = try(each.value.fqdns, [])
local_auth_enabled = try(each.value.local_auth_enabled, null)
metrics_advisor_aad_client_id = try(each.value.metrics_advisor_aad_client_id, null)
metrics_advisor_aad_tenant_id = try(each.value.metrics_advisor_aad_tenant_id, null)
metrics_advisor_super_user_name = try(each.value.metrics_advisor_super_user_name, null)
metrics_advisor_website_name = try(each.value.metrics_advisor_website_name, null)
outbound_network_access_restricted = try(each.value.outbound_network_access_restricted, null)
public_network_access_enabled = try(each.value.public_network_access_enabled, null)
qna_runtime_endpoint = try(each.value.qna_runtime_endpoint, null)
custom_question_answering_search_service_id = try(each.value.custom_question_answering_search_service_id, null)
custom_question_answering_search_service_key = try(each.value.custom_question_answering_search_service_key, null)
dynamic "identity" {
for_each = each.value.identity_type == "SystemAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
content {
type = each.value.identity_type
dynamic "identity" {
for_each = each.value.identity_type == "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
content {
type = each.value.identity_type
identity_ids = try(each.value.identity_ids, [])
dynamic "identity" {
for_each = each.value.identity_type == "UserAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
content {
type = each.value.identity_type
identity_ids = length(try(each.value.identity_ids, [])) > 0 ? each.value.identity_ids : []
dynamic "network_acls" {
for_each = each.value.network_acls != null ? [each.value.network_acls] : []
content {
default_action = try(each.value.network_acls.default_action, null)
ip_rules = network_acls.value.ip_rules
dynamic "virtual_network_rules" {
for_each = try(each.value.network_acls.virtual_network_rules, []) != [] ? [each.value.network_acls.virtual_network_rules] : []
content {
subnet_id = try(each.value.network_acls.virtual_network_rules.subnet_id, null)
ignore_missing_vnet_service_endpoint = try(each.value.network_acls.virtual_network_rules.ignore_missing_vnet_service_endpoint, false)
dynamic "customer_managed_key" {
for_each = each.value.customer_managed_key != null ? [each.value.customer_managed_key] : []
content {
key_vault_key_id = each.value.customer_managed_key.key_vault_key_id
identity_client_id = try(each.value.customer_managed_key.identity_client_id, null)
dynamic "storage" {
for_each = != null ? [] : []
content {
storage_account_id =
identity_client_id = try(, null)
No requirements.
Name | Version |
azurerm | n/a |
No modules.
Name | Type |
azurerm_cognitive_account.accounts | resource |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
cognitive_accounts | The cognitive accounts to deploy | list(object({ |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
cognitive_account_endpoints | The endpoints of the Cognitive Service Accounts. |
cognitive_account_identities | The identity blocks for the Cognitive Service Accounts, including principal_id and tenant_id. |
cognitive_account_ids | The IDs of the Cognitive Service Accounts. |
cognitive_account_primary_access_keys | The primary access keys for the Cognitive Service Accounts. |
cognitive_account_secondary_access_keys | The secondary access keys for the Cognitive Service Accounts. |