The Lightgear Theme package adds support for themes to a Laravel 4 application.
- Views overrides for both app and packages
- Theme assets (css, less and js) support via Lightgear Asset package
php artisan package:install lightgear/theme
Just require
"lightgear/theme": "dev-master"
in your composer.json and run
composer update
Then register the service provider
and, optionally, the alias
'Theme' => 'Lightgear\Theme\Facades\Theme'
in app/config/app.php
Important: regardless of the installation method, until I find a better way to handle this, make sure to have the ThemeServiceProvider as the last registered or, at least, after the service providers containing the views you want to override.
This is needed in order to override the packages' views.
First create the directory that will contain your themes. By default this is "themes" located in the application root but this can be changed in the config file. A tipical theme structure would be:
As you notice each theme must have an info.php file with the following contents:
return array(
'name' => 'My theme',
'description' => 'A good desc',
'author' => 'Donato Rotunno',
'version' => 1.0,
'styles' => array(
'paths' => array(
'package' => 'mytheme',
'group' => 'frontend' // optional asset group
'scripts' => array(
'paths' => array(
'package' => 'mytheme',
'group' => 'frontend' // optional asset group
This is a pretty simple structure. For more information about the theme assets, please refer to Lightgear Asset documentation.
To override any views (be it from app or package) just create the corresponding file in the views directory.
For example, to override the view package::posts.index just create the file views/package/posts/index.php.
The same goes with the views located in the app.
The view posts.index would be overridden in views/posts/index.php.
Both the themes directory and the active theme can be set in the config file.
0.5: initial release