Backend Developer working with Java ☕ and C# .NET 🪒 from Czech Republic 🇨🇿
- Highschool graduate 🎓
- Developing in Java ☕ for 5+ years
- Working professionally with C# .NET 🪒 for 2+ years
- Released and maintaning pletora of Java libraries for various projects
- Fluent in networking, especially with Cisco and MikroTik devices & technologies
- Experienced with Microsoft Azure, Hetzner, SQL, GIT, JetBrains, and more...
- Colored End Crystals ☕ - Minecraft mod adding shiny end crystals
- Modular Discord Bot ☕🚧 - Bukkit-like JDA Discord Bot platform
- Sakuya Bridge: Time Stop ☕🚧 - WIP project involving Touhou, networking and Swing
- EmoteLog ☕🚧 - WIP project involing Discord, emotes and high performance scalable systems
- Console Parallax ☕ - Easy CLI
- Pumpk1n ☕ - Quick data management
- Mayu's JDA Utilities ☕ - Advanced JDA Utilities
- Simple Java API Wrapper ☕ - REST API Wrapping made easy & quick
- Java Discord OAuth2 API ☕ - Implementation of Discord's OAuth 2
- Java Cobalt API ☕ - Implementation of Cobalt's API
- TopGG Java SDK ☕ - Implementation of TopGG's API
- Mayu's JSON Utilities ☕ - GSON Utilities streamlining some work
- Time Stop Protocol ☕ - TCP networking protocol built on top of KryoNet
- And the best of all, Nrdy Loader ☕ - Implementation of the greatest human-readable serilization format coined by Nerdy
All the mentioned libraries are available on Maven Central
- Lost Ark Server Status Bot - High performance Discord Bot made with JDA