Schematics and firmware for haptics-embedded palmless, fingerless gloves and software for SensingTex pressure mats
Schematics for the gloves can be found in the "Technical Docs" folder under "Gloves_battery_schem.png" and "Gloves_battery_bb.png".
Firmware for the gloves can be found in the "Software/Arduino" folder. In Arduino, the board is considered a "Generic ESP8266 Module" and is part of the "ESP8266 Boards" library.
The mat software is written in Python3 and can be found in the "Software" folder.
- sys
- time
- matplotlib.pyplot
- numpy
- sklearn.cluster
- flask
- os
- unittest
The software is broken down into several files to create a HAND library.
- contains a Mat class which sets up and processes data from the SensingTex mat
- contains a Hand and a Hands class which process mat data to find and separate the two hands, determine centers of pressure, create a correction vector, and determine which actuators to activate
- contains an Actuator and an Actuator_manager class which allow for easy actuator setup and interaction
- contains useful general functions used by other files in the library
- executable file to run the HAND software
The "Testing" folder contains files helpful for testing the HAND library.
- contains unittest test cases for the HAND library
- contains a numpy array snapshot of data received from a Mat object.
- same data contained in "hands.npy" but as a simple array within a text file without the numpy array formatting