SpdSample is just a sample web application starting with a simple feature, in the first version is just list POST which get from database.
SpdSample's goal is want to make easy way to start, implement, test and maintenance a Web application projects by manipulate the feature of Spring MVC, Tiles, MyBatis, and MSSQL Server.
SpdSample use default configuration with current latest stable GA of Spring MVC, Tiles and MyBatis. I used spd
as the root package; I know it is not a good example BUT, I like it, ;) and one more think it is also easy to find and replace,(spd
is not used by any parts of project as root package) if you use this apps as sample or skeleton for your project.
No redirect on root mapping
Separated the config and web
Apache Tiles
, a templating framework -
Easy to swictable with two MSSQL Server driver
as default -
, more info to use and resolve dependency bymaven
start with minimum dependency, easy to understand
Simply setting the MSSQL Server with database name and username and passwork correctly with database schema found in src\main\resources\data\database\schema\tables.sql
(quick running command with Maven)
mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse install tomcat:run
when it running properly then access by http://localhost:8080/spdsample
- Spring MVC showcase https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-mvc-showcase
- Spring MVC with Apache Tiles 3 configuration http://dhruvgairola.blogspot.com/2013/03/spring-mvc-with-apache-tiles-3.html
- Spring reference http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.2.2.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/
- Tiles tutorial http://tiles.apache.org/framework/tutorial/index.html
- MyBatis-Spring http://mybatis.github.io/spring/
- Spring Roo http://www.springsource.org/spring-roo