A Python library for training character-level BiLSTM models for restoration of features such as spaces, punctuation, and capitalization to unformatted texts.
thisisasentence -> This is a sentence.
Developed and used for the paper "Comparison of Token- and Character-Level Approaches to Restoration of Spaces, Punctuation, and Capitalization in Various Languages", which is scheduled for publication in December 2022.
The quickest and best way to get acquainted with the library is through the interactive demo here, where you can walk through the steps involved in using the library and train a model for restoration of spaces, punctuation, and capitalization model using sample data from the Ted Talks dataset used in the paper.
Alternatively, scroll down for instructions on getting started and basic documentation.
!pip install git+https://github.com/ljdyer/BiLSTM-Char-Feature-Restorer.git
from bilstm_char_feature_restorer import BiLSTMCharFeatureRestorer
Multiple models can be trained on a single class instance. A single instance is used to train models using the same training data to restore the same set of features, so in the paper we used separate instances for each of TedTalks, Brown, OshieteQA, and GujaratiNews.
# ====================
def __init__(self,
root_folder: str,
capitalization: bool,
spaces: bool,
other_features: list,
seq_length: int,
one_of_each: bool = True,
char_shift: Optional[int] = None):
"""Initialize and train an instance of the class.
root_folder (str):
The path to a folder to which to save model assets. The folder
should not exist yet. It will be created.
capitalization (bool):
Whether or not models trained on the instance will attempt to
restore capitalization (e.g. convert 'new york' to 'New York').
spaces (bool):
Whether or not models trained on the instance will attempt to
restore spaces. (e.g. convert 'goodmorning' to 'good morning')
other_features (list):
A list of other characters that models trained on the instance
will restore.
E.g. to restore commas and periods, set other_features=['.', ','].
The order in which the characters appear in output texts if a
single character possesses more than one feature will be the
same as the order in which they appear in this list.
Spaces will appear after features in other_features.
seq_length (int):
The length in characters of model input sequences used for
preprocessing, training, and prediction.
one_of_each (bool, optional):
If set to True, the model will only restore a maximum of one
of each feature per character. E.g. '...' will never appear in
output texts.
If set to False, the model will restore an arbitrary number of
each feature if it deems that more than one of a feature is
appropriate. (Not implemented yet at the time of writing.)
Defaults to True.
char_shift (Optional[int], optional):
Only required if spaces=False. The step size in characters for
the sliding window when generating input data. Smaller values
of char_shift generate larger numbers of training examples.
Defaults to None.
If a folder already exists at root_folder.
If spaces=False but char_shift has not been provided.
restorer = BiLSTMCharFeatureRestorer(
other_features=['.', ','],
# ====================
def load_data(self, data: List[str]):
"""Convert the data provided into the form required for model
Preprocess gold standard strings provided to raw inputs based
on the features specified for restoration, then tokenize and
convert to numpy format. Save the various assets in the model
root folder.
data (List[str]):
A list of gold standard sentences (i.e. fully formatted
sentences like "This is a sentence.")
train_data = train['reference'].to_list()
# ====================
def add_grid_search(self,
grid_search_name: str,
units: Union[int, list],
batch_size: Union[int, list],
dropout: Union[float, list],
recur_dropout: Union[float, list],
keep_size: float,
val_size: float,
epochs: int):
"""Add a grid search to the class instance.
grid_search_name (str):
A name for the grid search (e.g. 'grid_search_1')
units (Union[int, list]):
The number of BiLSTM units. Either a single number (e.g. 256)
or a list of numbers to generate parameter combinations
(e.g. [64, 128, 256]).
batch_size (Union[int, list]):
The batch size. Either a single number (e.g. 2048)
or a list of numbers to generate parameter combinations
(e.g. [2048, 4096, 8192]).
dropout (Union[float, list]):
The forward dropout rate. Either a single number (e.g. 0.1)
or a list of numbers to generate parameter combinations
(e.g. [0, 0.1, 0.2]).
recur_dropout (Union[float, list]):
The recurrent (backward) dropout rate. Either a single number
(e.g. 0.1) or a list of numbers to generate parameter
combinations (e.g. [0, 0.1, 0.2]).
keep_size (float):
The proportion of the loaded data to use in grid searches (e.g. )
val_size (float):
The proportion of data to use for validation.
E.g. set val_size=0.2 for an 80/20 train/val split.
epochs (int):
How many epochs to train for with each parameter combination.
units=[128, 256],
batch_size=[1024, 2048],
# ====================
def show_max(self, col: str = 'val_accuracy'):
"""Display the row from the grid search df for which the value in the
column specified is maximized.
col (str, optional):
The column to maximize. Defaults to 'val_accuracy'.
# ====================
def add_model(self,
model_name: str,
units: int,
batch_size: int,
dropout: float,
recur_dropout: float,
keep_size: float,
val_size: float,
overwrite: bool = False,
supress_save_msg: bool = False):
"""Create a new model.
All models assets are saved in the 'models' subfolder of the
instance root folder, and the 'model' attribute of the current
instance is set to a BiLSTMCharFeatureRestorerModel object
representing the currently loaded model.
model_name (str):
A name for the new model
units (int):
The number of BiLSTM units
batch_size (int):
The batch size.
dropout (float):
The forward dropout rate.
recur_dropout (float):
The recurrent (backward) dropout rate.
keep_size (float):
The proportion of the loaded data to use in model training.
This will usually be 1.0, but values such as 0.1 maybe used
for grid searches, etc.
val_size (float):
The proportion of data to use for validation when training
the model. E.g. set val_size=0.2 for an 80/20 train/val split.
overwrite (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.
supress_save_msg (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.
# ====================
def train(self, epochs: int):
"""Train the model.
epochs (int):
The number of epochs to train for
# ====================
def predict_docs(self,
docs: Union[str, list, pd.Series]) -> Union[str, list]:
"""Get the predicted output for a single document, or a list or pandas
Series of documents.
docs (Union[str, list, pd.Series]):
The documents to restore features to. Documents are preprocessed
before restoration (prediction), so can contain either raw
character sequences or gold standard formatted texts.
Union[str, list]:
The document or documents with features restored.