CIM bindings for Node.JS
npm install auth-net-cim
AUTH_CONFIG=/path/to/config.json make tests
"api": "123",
"key": "1234",
"sandbox": true
Assuming we're doing:
var Authorize = require('auth-net-types')
, _AuthorizeCIM = require('auth-net-cim')
, AuthorizeCIM = new _AuthorizeCIM({
api: '123',
key: '124',
sandbox: true // false
AuthorizeNetCIM.createCustomerProfile({customerProfile: {
merchantCustomerId: 123,
description: 'A customer with a lot of cash.',
email: '[email protected]',
customerProfileId: 1234
}}, function(err, response){})
var profile = {
merchantCustomerId: 123,
description: 'A customer with a lot of cash.',
email: '[email protected]',
customerProfileId: 1234
var bankAccount = new Authorize.BankAccount({
accountType: 'businessChecking',
routingNumber: '121042882',
accountNumber: '123456789123',
nameOnAccount: 'Jane Doe',
bankName: 'Pandora Bank'
, payment = new Authorize.Payment({
bankAccount: bankAccount
profile.paymentProfiles = new Authorize.PaymentProfiles({
customerType: 'business',
payment: payment
AuthorizeNetCIM.createCustomerProfile({customerProfile: profile}, function(err, response){});
var options = {
customerType: 'individual',
payment: new Authorize.Payment({
creditCard: new Authorize.CreditCard({
cardNumber: '4111111111111111',
expirationDate: '2012-10'
customerProfileId: '123',
paymentProfile: options
}, function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
shippingAddress: new Authorize.ShippingAddress({
firstName: 'Bob',
lastName: 'Smith',
address: '123 Sesame St',
city: 'Gainesville',
state: 'FL',
zip: 32601,
country: 'us'
}, function(err, response) {});
AuthorizeCIM.updateCustomerProfile(new Authorize.CustomerBasic({
email: '[email protected]',
merchantCustomerId: 1234,
description: 'New description!',
customerProfileId: this.customerProfileId
}), function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
paymentProfile: new Authorize.PaymentProfile({
customerPaymentProfileId: 444,
customerType: 'business',
payment: new Authorize.Payment({
creditCard: new Authorize.CreditCard({
cardNumber: '4007000000027',
expirationDate: '2012-10',
cardCode: 111
}, function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
address: new Authorize.ShippingAddress({
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith',
state: 'TX',
country: 'US',
zip: 11111,
customerAddressId: null
}, function(err, response) {});
AuthorizeCIM.getCustomerProfile('123', function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
customerPaymentProfileId: '1234'
}, function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
customerAddressId: '1234'
}, function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
customerPaymentProfileId: '1234',
validationMode: 'testMode' // liveMode
}, function(err, response) {});
var transaction = {
amount: 56.01,
tax: {
amount: 12.44,
name: 'State Tax',
description: 'FL'
shipping: {
amount: 5.00,
name: 'FedEx Ground',
description: 'No Free Shipping Option'
customerProfileId: '123',
customerPaymentProfileId: '1234',
order: {
invoiceNumber: 1337
AuthorizeCIM.createCustomerProfileTransaction('AuthCapture' /* AuthOnly, CaptureOnly, PriorAuthCapture */, transaction, function(err, response) {});
splitTenderId: 1,
splitTenderStatus: 'voided'
}, function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
customerPaymentProfileId: '1234'
}, function(err, response) {});
customerProfileId: '123',
customerAddressId: '1234'
}, function(err, response) {});
AuthorizeCIM.deleteCustomerProfile('123', function(err, response) {});
Version >= 2.x.x
has a breaking change, all values are returned as strings rather than strings and numbers (unless the value is an object, array, etc).