Available for Swift 3+ A Swift extension for UITableView which makes animation easy
all you have to do for it to work is:
download the classes put them in your project
implement the func:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
call the func "animateCells" inside the "willDisplay" cell you implemented:
tableView.animateCells(AnimationFactory.makeMoveUpWithFade(rowHeight: cell.frame.height, duration: 0.5, delayFactor: 0.05), tableView: tableView, cell: cell, indexPath: indexPath)
with the proper variables u want this is an example of moving the cells with fade animation.
i have included 4 types of animations which you can conntrol the variables yourself such as:
- makeFadeAnimation.
- makeMoveUpWithBounce.
- makeMoveUpWithFade.
- makeSlideIn.
if you have any bright ideas, just make a pull request and i'll go over it.
hope you find it useful.
author: Aviv Frenkel