The posty_API is the core element of the posty softwarestack. It is developed to administrate a mailserver based on Postfix and Dovecot. It offers an easy REST interface which can be used in own applications or with the posty client applications, posty_CLI and posty_webUI.
You need a working ruby installation.
Tested with ruby 1.9.3.
- Download the source either using git or from the GitHub page as archive.
- Extract the archive
- Change directory to the extracted folder
- Move config/database_default.yml to config/database.yml and change it to your needs.
- Run
bundle install
- Run
rake db:migrate
- Run
rake api_key:generate
- Start the application e.g. with
Notice: Check your RACK_ENV if any problems occur.
Here is a short overview about the possible API REST calls. Also available at http://www.posty-soft.de/swagger/posty_api.html
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains - get all domains
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{name} - get {name} domain
- POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains - create domain (params: name)
- PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{name} - change domain {name} (params: name)
- DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{name} - delete domain {name}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users - get all users for {domain}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{name} - get the user {name}@{domain}
- POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users - create user (params: name, password, quota)
- PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{name} - change user {name}@{domain} (params: name, password, quota)
- DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{name} - delete user {name}@{domain}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases - get all aliases for {user}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases/{name} - get the alias {name}@{domain}
- POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases - create alias (params: name)
- PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases/{name} - change alias {name}@{domain} (params: name)
- DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases/{name} - delete alias {name}@{domain}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases - get all aliases for {domain}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases/{name} - get the alias @{name}
- POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases - create alias (params: name)
- PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases/{name} - change alias @{name} (params: name)
- DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases/{name} - delete alias @{name}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/summary - get the number of existing domains, users, domain aliases and user aliases
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports - get all transports
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports/{domain} - get the transport for {domain}
- POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports - create alias (params: name, destination)
- PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports/{domain} - change transport {domain} (params: name, destination)
- DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports/{domain} - delete transport {domain}
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/api_keys - get all api keys
- GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/api_keys/{token} - get the api_key for {token}
- POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/api_keys - create access_token
- PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/api_keys/{token} - change api_key {token} (params: access_token, active, expires_at)
- DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/api_keys/{token} - delete access_token {token}
:access_token :active :expires_at
You can run the tests by going to project root and run:
For more informations about posty please visit our website: www.posty-soft.org
If you discover any bugs, feel free to create an issue on GitHub. Please add as much information as possible to help us fixing the possible bug. We also encourage you to help even more by forking and sending us a pull request.
LGPL v3 license. See LICENSE for details.
All rights are at (C) http://www.posty-soft.org 2013