- 8ad471b Merge pull request #12 from losisin/bump-dependencies
- 240e586 Merge pull request #13 from losisin/move-flags-out-of-main
- 83fc032 add more unit tests
- f298b49 add some uni tests
- 9bc1849 add test data
- 457b960 bump dependencies
- 80b5f69 bump version to 0.1.5
- df67f00 cleanup a bit
- 4f5ef5d config codecov
- 94f08f5 enough for today
- 621f33a enough for today
- 6563be2 fix -help flag
- 77b4016 fix golang lint errors
- 5ecfb37 fix lint errors
- 311748a move flags out of main function
- 2f2b515 test codecov options