"Can we build it? Yes we can!"
A base docker container inspired on atlassian/default-image:2. There are several derivated containers for building on such languages.
- Vim
- Wget & cURL
- httpie
- hooks4git
- ssh client
- redis-server (because of yes!)
- Mercurial
- markdown
- dockerfile
- travis yml
- pip
- npm
- zip & unzip
- awscli
- serverless
- Dropbox Uploader
- C++
- Python (2.7/3.6/3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11)
- NodeJS
- Java8 - Android - Android with NDK
- docker pull lovato/bob[-subcontainer]:latest
- git clone https://github.com/lovato/docker-bob.git
- cd docker-bob
- ./build.sh
Every sub container has a ./build.sh script
- ./run.sh
Every sub container has a ./run.sh script
It accepts one parameter and injects it into the container execution.
If no parameter is issued, the execution starts in interactive mode.
- docker run -it lovato/bob[-subcontainer]
Default command is /bin/bash
- FROM lovato/bob[-subcontainer]:latest