Releases: ls1intum/prompt2
Releases · ls1intum/prompt2
What's Changed
- Cache Invalidation After Redeployment by @niclasheun in #185
- Interview Component Storing Interview Answers Fix by @niclasheun in #186
- Moving Interview Questions Config to Own Page by @niclasheun in #187
- Stacked Application Bar Chart Corner Radius by @niclasheun in #190
- Bumping version number for release by @niclasheun in #194
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
We’re excited to introduce Prompt 2.0, a complete redesign of our course management solution. We’ve focused on modularity and adaptability, so you can customize it to fit your specific needs.
We’ve introduced a new paradigm called “course phases.” This is a way for educators to organize their courses and manage data. You can use predefined course phases to conduct interviews or automatically enroll students based on the TUM Matching system. Or, you can create your own course phase using our Prompt API.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our new design and all the new features of Prompt 2.0! 🚀
What's Changed
- initial micro frontend setup rebase by @niclasheun in #3
- Shared library and shadcn/ui setup setup by @niclasheun in #4
- Adding some readmes by @niclasheun in #7
- Connecting Client and Server + initial Landing Page by @niclasheun in #6
- Data Structure Updates and Docker integration by @niclasheun in #5
- Just some shadcn autogenerated stuff by @niclasheun in #9
- Sidebar by @niclasheun in #10
- Adding Keycloak and basic Routing by @niclasheun in #8
- Finish Sidebar Setup by @niclasheun in #11
- Adding Breadcrumbs by @niclasheun in #13
- Redesigning url schema by @niclasheun in #14
- Adding new courses by @niclasheun in #15
- Minor design adjustments and adding Legal pages by @niclasheun in #17
- Deployment With integration of workflows by @niclasheun in #16
- Fixing dependabot issues by @niclasheun in #19
- Changing navigation to Legal pages and fixing lerna dep warning by @niclasheun in #20
- Writing tests for all server modules by @niclasheun in #21
- Some minor DB adjustments by @niclasheun in #23
- Adding Keycloak To Server by @niclasheun in #22
- Changing pgx db connection to a pool connection by @niclasheun in #26
- Phase configurator by @niclasheun in #25
- Application config by @niclasheun in #27
- making error displays in dialog reusable by @niclasheun in #28
- Application question config by @niclasheun in #29
- Application sync server by @niclasheun in #30
- adding dnd functionality to change the order of the questions by @niclasheun in #31
- Application server tests by @niclasheun in #32
- Security patches by @niclasheun in #33
- Adjusting Deployment to work with Keycloak Client Secret by @niclasheun in #34
- Student application by @niclasheun in #35
- giving admin rights to modify course structure by @niclasheun in #36
- Form components by @niclasheun in #37
- Adding support for checkbox and single choice questions by @niclasheun in #38
- Finish Student Application by @niclasheun in #39
- Add Tests to Application Endpoints by @niclasheun in #41
- Fixing a small bug with the course phase editor by @niclasheun in #42
- Migrating passed to pass status by @niclasheun in #44
- Applications Overview Table by @niclasheun in #45
- Application Details view by @niclasheun in #46
- Login bug fix by @niclasheun in #48
- Filter chips by @niclasheun in #47
- Secure endpoints by @niclasheun in #51
- Add application assessment by @niclasheun in #52
- fixing dark mode comment display by @niclasheun in #53
- Additional score upload by @niclasheun in #54
- Group actions by @niclasheun in #55
- Preview application by @niclasheun in #56
- Application overview page by @niclasheun in #57
- fixing correct permission for adding course_phase by @niclasheun in #58
- Rich description editor by @niclasheun in #40
- Adding nationality to student by @niclasheun in #59
- Student study background change by @niclasheun in #60
- Mailing support by @niclasheun in #61
- Rollback Issue by @niclasheun in #50
- Student keycloak matr nr by @niclasheun in #62
- trying to fix node update bug by @niclasheun in #64
- Input validation fixes by @niclasheun in #63
- Finish mailing by @niclasheun in #66
- Module federation deployment fix by @niclasheun in #67
- removing subpath and stripping url instead by @niclasheun in #69
- Add interview phase by @niclasheun in #70
- Course Phase Participations With Meta Dat by @niclasheun in #68
- Matzes design improvements by @niclasheun in #72
- Integrate Meta Data in Course Configurator by @niclasheun in #73
- Minor design fix by @niclasheun in #76
- prod-script by @niclasheun in #77
- Deployment fixes and cleanup by @niclasheun in #78
- Adding matching component (incl detailed docu) by @niclasheun in #71
- Modifying answer export by @niclasheun in #81
- Adjusting course phase participation api by @niclasheun in #82
- Universal deployment fixes and frontend folder restructuring by @niclasheun in #84
- fixing a little env variable issue by @niclasheun in #85
- Making Deployment Universal by @niclasheun in #86
- Little design fixes by @niclasheun in #89
- expose deployment tags by @niclasheun in #87
- Deployment little fixes by @niclasheun in #93
- Interview Component by @niclasheun in #83
- Mailing improvements by @niclasheun in #94
- little code refactoring and adding missing delete functionality by @niclasheun in #96
- change go docker build by @niclasheun in #95
- Interview mailing by @niclasheun in #99
- Configure Mend Bolt for GitHub by @mend-bolt-for-github in #100
- Update GitHub Actions workflow to use native build and push Docker image by @Mtze in #101
- add readthedocs configuration file by @mathildeshagl in #106
- Moving interfaces and renaming to Camel Case by @niclasheun in #102
- Unify client folder structure by @niclasheun in #108
- Moving state into the library by @niclasheun in #109
- fixing collapsing placeholders by @niclasheun in #112
- fixing gzip issue by @niclasheun in #114
- Matching component data export by @niclasheun in #119
- adding documentation setup by @niclasheun in #122
- adding docs to gh pages workflow by @niclasheun in #123
- Matching reupload by @niclasheun in #121
- Meta data migration by @niclasheun in #134
- adding contributer setup guide by @niclasheun in #125
- fixing sender email header by @niclasheun in #136
- fixing deadline info by @niclasheun in #141
- updating axios version by @niclasheun in #1...