Author: Guangqi Jiang (leader), Yongqi Fan, Peizhao Li @SCU
- database: MySQL + Navicat
- Server: SpringBoot 2.4.7 + MyBatis 2.1.4 + AJAX
- Frontend: HTML + JavaScript + CSS + Bootstrap
- Java: JDK 8+
- Project Management Tool: Maven 3.6.3
- Projec Dev Tool: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.3.2 x64
- Browser: Google Chrome, MicroSoft Edge etc.
For a quickstart, please refer to the link in the Acknowledgement section at the bottom of this file.
We involved several functional requirements as listed below.
- Select products from shopping cart and create an order
- Show details of orders
- User registration
- User login
- Change pwd
- Modify personal info
- Upload avatar
- Show the ranking of hot products
- Show details of a certain product
- Search for products by key
- Add products to the shopping cart
- Show shopping cart
- Increase or decrease the number of products in the shopping cart
- Remove products from the shopping list
- Add user addresses
- Get the infomation of province, city and district in China
- Set default address
- Delete addresses
All the functions are shown in the following picture in Chinese:
Here is our database design (underline indicates primary key):
user (uid, username, password, salt, phone, email, gender, avatar, is_delete, created_user, created_time, modified_user, modified_time)
product (pid, item_type, title, sell_point, price, num, image, status, priority, created_time, created_user, modified_time, modified_user)
category (ID, parent_id, name, status, sort_order, is_parent, created_time, modified_time, created_user, modified_user)
address (aid, province_name, province_code,city_name,city_code,area_name,area_code, zip, address, phone, tel, tag, is_default, created_user, created_time ,modified_user, modified_time )
order (oid, uid, aid, status, total_price, pay_time, created_time, create_user, modified_time, modified_user)
cart (uid, product, price,num, created_time, created_user, modified_time, modified_user )
user_address (uid, aid)
order_item (oid, pid)
Product_category (pid, ID)
We provide our final demo video in this repository.
Our project referred to this video tutorial on Bilibili: Based on this codebase, we added our own elements.