Releases: luismayta/zsh-vscodium
Releases · luismayta/zsh-vscodium
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This file uses change log convention from keep a CHANGELOG.
Bug Fixes
- path for vscodium to code (#44)
- delete unnecesary aws credential (#40)
- change message error to warning (#34)
- settings for travis ci (#31)
- load name package for install (#23)
- name function for install (#15)
- install extension code spell checker (#15)
- install hooks for pre-commit (#11)
- url for changelog (#9)
Code Refactoring
- move lint files to github path (#52)
- issues kind for github (#50)
- docs rst to markdown (#50)
- implement package fix for install (#44)
- code dependences for vscodium (#40)
- change vscode to vscodium (#40)
- change zsh-vscode to zsh-vscodium (#40)
- change vscode to vscodium (#38)
- settings project (#38)
- settings hooks for pre-commit (#38)
- change python and delete local pyenv (#38)
- change theme to deep challenger (#34)
- function for install extension (#34)
- info license and version (#34)
- settings dockerfile and docker-compose (#34)
- settings prettier, commitlint and lint (#34)
- hooks for validate code prettier (#34)
- fix font settings (#29)
- settings for vscode (#29)
- settings extension terraform (#27)
- change extension for pair color (#23)
- load functions of zsh-functions (#21)
- validation exist vscode (#21)
- change actions for search (#15)
- order settings (#15)
- name file keybinding (#13)
- change search to fuzzy search (#13)
- change name var for vscode_path_root (#11)
- settings for docker (#9)
- actions for make (#9)
- settings project (#9)
- implement configuration generator chglog (#52)
- implement actions for keybase (#38)
- clean color theme challenger deep (#38)
- lint code prepare-commit (#34)
- implement factory for path (#25)
- implement path vscode_path (#23)
- clean packages unnecessary (#9)
- implement settings project github (#52)
- implement generator readme with go template (#50)
- implement package for dart and flutter (#44)
- implement add funtion for osx and linux (#40)
- implement install extension (#40)
- implement settings for product (#40)
- refactor: dependence load package (#40)
- implement font and chane workbench theme to atom (#38)
- implement theme atom one dark (#38)
- implement package theme deep (#34)
- implement package doc for python (#34)
- actions for make using yarn, docker and python (#34)
- clean unnecessary settings for to do (#31)
- implement snippets javascript and react (#29)
- implement snippets of elixir (#29)
- implement snippets for go (#29)
- implement snippets for typescript (#29)
- implement snippets for python (#29)
- implement snippets (#29)
- implement install extension plant uml (#27)
- sort lines format (#27)
- implement settings for sort (#27)
- implement extension for typescript (#27)
- implement identifier extension (#23)
- implement theme nord (#21)
- implement package for vscode (#21)
- implement settings for vim (#19)
- implement bookmarks (#19)
- implement package code (#19)
- implement settings indent rainbow (#19)
- implement install indent (#19)
- implement associations file (#19)
- implement lint for tslint (#19)
- fix move in buffer (#19)
- implement install refactor wix glean (#19)
- implement keyword valid (#19)
- command for workbench (#17)
- separated word (#17)
- implement color for settings (#15)
- implement graphql for vscode (#15)
- implement is keyword (#15)
- implement vscode open buffers (#13)
- implement previous buffer (#13)
- implement navigate as vim in buffers (#13)
- implement keybinding (#13)
- implement keys for editor (#13)
- implement extension for fuzzy (#13)
- implement kite extension (#13)
- disabled shell in tmux (#13)
- implement extension keyboard-scroll (#13)
- implement code for sync settings (#11)
- ignore path vscode (#11)
- implement color customizations (#11)
- settings and keybinding (#11)
- implement package mdx (#11)
- implement plugin vscode (#11)
- implement package for vscode (#11)
- implement function for code install (#9)
- implement functions for zsh-vscode ([#9](