A level editor that will support multiple level formats
Windows users can download this: Windows Release
- Supports .gmap and .nw/.graal file formats
- A json-based format (.world for overworld, .lvl for inidividual levels). WIP
- Select multiple objects at once (hold shift key to select another object)
- Grab,move and resize links and signs
- Select tiles and resize the selection.
- On overworlds (gmap), if you add a link that spans multiple levels, it will automatically and correctly duplicate the link across the multiple levels it spans.
- Zoom in and out
- Preload all the levels within the gmap (use this if you're reading from a hard disk instead of SSD)
- Search for all npcs within the current view
- Change the tile set
- Import tile objects from the folder "tileobjects" from graal.
- When you choose to edit signs/links on an overworld, you can then select which level to edit.
- Supports tile layers
- Move objects around with accuracy by holding "Control" while dragging.
- Tile flood fill
- undo/redo
- Pattern tile flood
- Preview tile flood before doing it
- Generate an image of the entire level/gmap. Customize the zoom level to create maps and mini-map. Save individual levels to a folder (for gmap)
- Bulk level format converter
- QT6
- python3 + pip3 (Linux)
You need Qt6. Set that up then use this command line:
qmake -tp vc TilesEditor.pro
This will generate a visual studio project file to build...or you can just use the one i included.
Well you'll need Qt. Then do something similar like: qmake TilesEditor.pro
I believe that will create a makefile
OR generate CMakeLists.txt:
pip3 install qmake2cmake
qmake2cmake_all --min-qt-version 6 ./
cmake -S. -Bbuild/
cmake --build build/ -j $(nproc)