hob64 is a Header-Only Base64 library written in portable ANSI C.
- Portable ANSI C (C89), tested with GCC (Windows and Linux) and MSVC
- Encodes and decodes Base64 strings
- Checks to-be-decoded strings for validity
Define the implementation before including hob64.
#include "hob64.h"
As usual with header-only libraries, the implementation's definition can be limited to just a single file. This will depend on your specific build configuration.
Encode binary data to Base64 by providing the data and its length, getting a Base64-encoded string and its length (via an output parameter) as a result.
const char* unencodedData = "hob64 is a Header-Only Base64 library.";
size_t encodedLength;
char* encoded = hob64_encode((const unsigned char*)unencodedData, strlen(unencodedData), &encodedLength);
Remember to free the data when you're done with it.
Decode Base64-encoded strings by providing the string and its length, getting an array of bytes and its length (via an output parameter) as a result.
const unsigned char* encodedString = "aG9iNjQgaXMgYSBIZWFkZXItT25seSBCYXNlNjQgbGlicmFyeS4=";
size_t decodedLength;
unsigned char* decoded = hob64_decode(encodedData, strlen(encodedString), &decodedLength);