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lwjohnst86 committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 63f8804 commit dbb6002
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 148 deletions.
239 changes: 91 additions & 148 deletions R/convert-from-datacamp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,164 +2,107 @@
#' @export
datacamp_to_learnr <- function(cur_path=NULL, rename=NULL, author_name="Default", has_data=T) {
# TODO: Check if working dir is a repo
# TODO: Check if any uncommitted files are present
# TODO: Check that the necessary files exist
# TODO: Check if a "original materials" git branch exists

# options(usethis.quiet = TRUE)

# # For accidental sourcing... -_-
# stop()
# # Checking if project is under git and if changes are not committed
if (!in_repository(cur_path))
stop("Please make that the files are under Git version control.")
if (length(status(cur_path)$unstaged)!=0)
stop("Please make sure to commit changes before running.")
# # Listing all files -------------------------------------------------------

## needs to check to see if there are dashes in the folder name

pkgname <- basename(cur_path)
if(grepl("-", pkgname)){
pkgname <- gsub("-", "", pkgname)
} else {
pkgname <- rename
datacamp_to_learnr_pkg <-
function(dc_path = ".", lrnr_pkg_path,
author_name = "Default") {
# TODO: Check if working dir is a repo
# TODO: Check if any uncommitted files are present
# TODO: Check that the necessary files exist
# TODO: Check if a "original materials" git branch exists

# options(usethis.quiet = TRUE)

if (is.null(cur_path)) {
cur_path = getwd()
# # For accidental sourcing... -_-
# stop()
# # Checking if project is under git and if changes are not committed
if (!in_repository(cur_path))
stop("Please make that the files are under Git version control.")
if (length(status(cur_path)$unstaged) != 0)
stop("Please make sure to commit changes before running.")
# # Listing all files -------------------------------------------------------

## needs to check to see if there are dashes in the folder name

pkgname <- basename(cur_path)
if (grepl("-", pkgname)) {
if (is.null(rename)) {
pkgname <- gsub("-", "", pkgname)
} else {
pkgname <- rename

new_path <- strsplit(cur_path, "/")[[1]]
new_path <- new_path[-length(new_path)]
# new_path <- new_path[-1]
new_path <- paste(new_path, collapse = .Platform$file.sep)
new_path <- file.path(new_path, pkgname)
file.rename(cur_path, new_path)
cur_path <- new_path
pkgname <- paste(pkgname, ".Rproj", sep = "")

all_files <-
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
all = TRUE)
proj_name <- str_subset(all_files, "\\.Rproj$")

#### No RPoject, which would seem to be default??
if (length(proj_name) == 0) {
tmp <- paste(pkgname, ".Rproj", sep = "")
proj_name = file.path(cur_path, tmp)
# # Create as package -------------------------------------------------------

if (has_data) {
use_data_raw(open = F) ### will need to be done within right directory

chapters <- str_subset(all_files, "chapter.\\.md")

### Gets chapter names
chapters_name <- path_ext_remove(path_file(chapters))

## creates demo files
open = F,
title = "Demo")

## Overwrites demo files
new_chapter_path <-
file.path(cur_path, "inst/tutorials/", path_file(chapters)) %>%
str_replace("\\.md", ".Rmd")
file_move(chapters, new_chapter_path)

### will need to be done within right directory
use_github(overwrite = T)
use_ccby_license(name = author_name)

new_path <- strsplit(cur_path, "/")[[1]]
new_path <- new_path[-length(new_path)]
# new_path <- new_path[-1]
new_path <- paste(new_path, collapse=.Platform$file.sep)
new_path <- file.path(new_path, pkgname)
file.rename(cur_path, new_path)
cur_path <- new_path
pkgname <- paste(pkgname, ".Rproj", sep="")

all_files <- dir_ls(cur_path, recurse = TRUE, type = "file", all = TRUE)
proj_name <- str_subset(all_files, "\\.Rproj$")

#### No RPoject, which would seem to be default??
tmp <- paste(pkgname, ".Rproj", sep="")
proj_name = file.path(cur_path, tmp)
# # Create as package -------------------------------------------------------

use_data_raw(open=F) ### will need to be done within right directory

chapters <- str_subset(all_files, "chapter.\\.md")

### Gets chapter names
chapters_name <- path_ext_remove(path_file(chapters))

## creates demo files
sapply(chapters_name, use_tutorial, open=F, title="Demo" )

## Overwrites demo files
new_chapter_path <- file.path(cur_path, "inst/tutorials/", path_file(chapters)) %>%
str_replace("\\.md", ".Rmd")
file_move(chapters, new_chapter_path)

### will need to be done within right directory

# tibble(Lines = read_lines(chapters[1])) %>%
# mutate(
# # Replace instructions tag with bold "instructions" text
# Lines = if_else(
# str_detect(Lines, "^`@instructions`.*$"),
# "**Instructions**:",
# Lines
# ),
# # Create a tag to indicate which lesson each section is part of
# LessonTag = Lines %>%
# str_extract("## .*$") %>%
# str_remove("## ") %>%
# str_remove_all(",|\\?|\\!|\\.|\\:|\\;") %>%
# str_to_lower() %>%
# str_replace_all(" ", "-"),
# ExerciseType = str_extract(Lines, "^type: .*$") %>%
# str_remove("type: ") %>%
# str_trim(),
# ExerciseSections = str_extract(Lines, "`\\@.*`.*$") %>%
# str_remove_all("(^`)|(\\@)|(`$)") %>%
# str_trim()
# ) %>%
# fill(LessonTag) %>%
# group_by(LessonTag) %>%
# fill(ExerciseType, ExerciseSections) %>%
# mutate(
# LinesModified = LinesModified %>%
# str_remove("^(key|xp|lang|skills):.*$") %>%
# str_remove("^type: .*$") %>%
# str_remove("^`+yaml.*$") %>%
# str_remove("^`\\@.*`.*$")
# ) %>%
# mutate(
# LinesModified = if_else(
# grepl("^$", lag(LinesModified)) & grepl("^$", lead(LinesModified)) &
# grepl("^---$", LinesModified),
# "",
# LinesModified
# ),
# # TODO: Fix this, it doesn't work for some reason
# LinesModified = if_else(
# grepl("^$", lag(LinesModified)) & grepl("^$", lead(LinesModified)) &
# grepl("^```$", LinesModified, perl = TRUE),
# "",
# LinesModified
# )
# ) %>%
# # pull(LinesModified)
# View()
# # Update datasets into data -----------------------------------------------
# Or move datasets into inst
# Or move dataset folder into inst tutorial
# datasets <- all_files %>%
# str_subset("\\.(rda|rds)$")
# file_delete(datasets)
# wrangling_file <- str_subset(all_files, "wrangle\\.R$")
# wrangling_file %>%
# read_lines() %>%
# str_replace("^save*?\\((.*), file = .*$", "use_data(\\1, overwrite = TRUE)") %>%
# write_lines(path = wrangling_file)
# file_move(wrangling_file, here("data-raw"))
# source(here("data-raw/wrangle.R"))
# # TODO: Export all datasets? Or is that done automatically?
# # Move images -------------------------------------------------------------
lrnr_move_images <- function(.repo) {
# images <- str_subset(all_files, "datasets/.*\\.png$")
# file_move(images, here("inst/tutorials/images"))
# # Adding other package additions ------------------------------------------

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