API allows work with html requests GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and visualize the data of the request and response in few formats.
The following programs and add-ons are required for use:
Installed Python 3: To install in WINDOWS:
https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ - the official site where you can download.
To install in UNIX systems with Tkinter framework:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-tk
To install in macOS:
https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx/ - the official site where you can download.
Framework Tkinter installation:
$ pip3 install tkinter
YAML extension instalation:
$ pip3 install pyyaml
Simplejson module instalation:
$ pip3 install simplejson
Program operation through the console:
python3 endgame.py [-g, --gui]
To display a help list.
python3 endgame.py [-h, --help]
optional arguments:
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
-g, --gui
Activate GUI mode
--history {show,clear}
Show 10 last requests or clear all
Set username and password
-l {debug,info,warning}, --log {debug,info,warning}
Set logging level
Set request method
-e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
Set endpoint of request
-p PARAMS [PARAMS ...], --params PARAMS [PARAMS ...]
Set params of request
--headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
Set headers of request
-b BODY [BODY ...], --body BODY [BODY ...]
Set body of request
Set Tree view mode
-r, --raw
Set Raw view mode
Set Pretty view mode
-y, --yaml
Set Yaml view mode
Ihor Anikeev (CLI, Data Base ) - ianikeev@student.ucode.world
Sergey Tsykhonia (requests, logger) - stsykhonia@student.ucode.world
Alexander Lapatan (GUI Dark theme)- alapatan@student.ucode.world
Mikhailo Lytovchenko (Presentation)- mlytovchen@student.ucode.world