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A Web REST API Service based on Cloud Native & Micro Service----The Complete Guide

This Repository will explain the procedure that how to build a rest api service from scratch

The architecture of this project is here.


And this project stack are:

  • GoLang
    • web
      • http server
      • jwt & RSA encryption
      • let's encrypt certificate
    • Scraper
      • http request
      • html parsing
      • data manipulating
  • Database
    • mongoDB Replicas
    • connection pool management
  • MongoDB
    • replicas for high availability
    • persistent storage
  • Docker
    • image build & distribution
  • Gitlab CI/CD tool
    • auto devOps script
  • Kubernetes
    • cluster creation
    • container orchestration
    • application deployment
    • network orchestration
    • data persistent storage

The whole cluster are consist by several components called micro service, every component is a separate project, and all the components work together to provide a bigger service for the outside users.

So I split the whole project into parts as follows:

  1. Crawler
    • It collect data from Wikipedia and store data into database
  2. Database
    • Store the data from crawler and provide data for web front end, actually a rest api
  3. Web REST API
    • Read data from database and sent it to the authenticated users
  4. Kubernetes
    • Provide all the container orchestration service
    • manage all the network communication between containers
  5. Monitoring
    • Prometheus can collect monitoring data from all containers
    • Grafana can visualize the data in turn from Prometheus

Check them out in these repositories:

Kubernetes container orchestration Guide

this is the deployment part of the whole micro-service

I will explain the basic pipeline how to use gitlab ci/cd to implement a fully automatically DevOps.


architecture arch As shown, this is the bigger picture of the whole solution.

I will explain the components one by one:


/database/ is use for set up the replicas set MongoDB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
kubectl apply -f storageclass.yaml
kubectl apply -f headless.yaml
kubectl apply -f statefulset.yaml
sleep 180
kubectl cp initiate.js mongo-0:initiate.js
kubectl exec mongo-0 -- mongo load  initiate.js

which set up the storageClass for persistent storage, headless for service discovery statefulset for the mongoDB(which is a stateful application) the initiate.js is use for set up the mongoDB replicas set configuration.

Check the documents here!

more about MongoDB replicas set, you can check this. MongoDb Replication


deployment.yaml is the configuration for our web rest api deployment. it looks like this: web-deployment

  • Service
  • Ingress
    • it receive request from internet and transfer the traffic to the target pods
  • Deployment
    • it's a declarative statement that ask the kubernetes to deploy some specific application deployment

HTTPS & TLS & Let's Encrypt

For security purpose we should enable https to our application.

So you should buy a domain and get a free certificate from let's encrypt.

I buy a cheap domain from google domain and the is a very simple way to get a free certificate

Sure, you must set encryption for your application.

  • JWT need RSA encryption
  • Https also using RSA encryption
    • secret cause you can't pass the sensitive information in the pod or deployment, even in the docker image is not safe, so we have to use the secret to pass sensitive information into working pods.

these secrets will be referenced in pod or deployment definition, which make our secret more safe.


like the web api, the scraper also deployed as a Deployment in Kubernetes cluster.


We using Prometheus and Grafana to monitoring cluster performance. Prometheus responsible for data collection, Grafana for data visualization and alert management.

Considering the complexity, we used the existed solution developed by coreOS, the Operator, which is a CRD, that enable us to deployment a monitoring system more efficient and safe. All you need to do is to execute the command

switch to folder monitor/, and

kubectl create -f /manifist

the rest work of installing Grafana and Prometheus is auto. After a period of time , you can check a bunch of pods running under the namespace of monitoring. monitoring-pods.

then we use port-forward as the proxy to reach our Grafana to see what is inside the monitoring system

kubectl port-forward grafana-5c949f457-9lhwh -n monitoring 3000:3000

caution: make the pod name is same as in the output

after that, you just type localhost:3000 in browser, then you get a grafana login page like this. grafana_login

the default username and password are admin@localhost and admin

set your password then you can check all the monitoring metrics already set by default. metrics1 metrics2

It covers a very rich visualization charts! you can easily monitoring your cluster performance.

But i do not recommend expose the monitoring system into public internet for security consideration.

Hope this guide helps you to build some cluster application.




coreOS operator









Gitlab CI/CD

Let's Encrypt


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