Generate regular expressions of JavaScript from CSS selectors. That regular expressions is for searching HTML elements which is matched given CSS selector.
You can try it on the web.
$ npm i selector-2-regexp
$ s2r '.button'
# => <\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s+.*(class=(?=['"])((?=(.*[\s'"]button[\s'"])).*)(?=['"])).*\s*>
Saving clipboard is convenient to use with editor, e.g. VS Code.
After saving clipboard, paste it on a search input of your editor.
Save to clipboard.
# Save to clipboard on macOS (On Windows, Replace "pbcopy" to "clip") $ s2r '.button' | pbcopy
Paste a regular expression on your tool
# Type Selector
s2r 'div'
# Classs Selector
s2r '.single'
# Id Selector
s2r '#app'
# Attribute Selector
s2r '[hidden]'
s2r '[data-state=active]'
s2r '[data-state*=active]'
s2r '[data-state~=active]'
s2r '[data-state^=active]'
s2r '[data-state$=active]'
# href, src
s2r 'a[href^=https://]'
s2r 'img[src$=.svg]'
# Multiples
s2r '.button.button--primary'
s2r 'div.panel.flex'
# Descendant combinator
s2r '.parent .child'
# Child combinator
s2r '.parent > .child'
# Next sibling combinator
s2r '.parent + .child'
# General sibling combinator
s2r '.parent ~ .child'
- Class selector ✅
- ID selector ✅
- Type selector ✅
- Attribute selector ✅
- Descendant combinator ✅
- Child combinator ✅
- General sibling combinator ✅
- Adjacent sibling combinator ✅
- Column combinator ☑️ 😢
When given combinators, generated regular expressions that includes "Lookbehind assertion"
and "Negative lookbehind assertion"
which are ES2018's features.
This regular expressions might not work some environments unsupported them 😢.
(e.g., IE, FireFox and old version Node.js)
Please check their statements if you use with combinator.