- Implements the use of at least two 3rd-party APIs (DONE)
- Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/api/) (or some other photo app) to provide nice looking background images
- Possibly some sort of theme selector that allows you to control what kind of photos
- Have the photos refresh daily or at will
- Quotes from Zen Quotes (https://zenquotes.io/)
- Display a inspirational quote on home page after login
- Refresh daily or at will
- Implements the use of at least two CRUD-ing resources (DONE)
- CRUD will be fully implemented in journaling
- create: write a new journal entry
- read: browse past journal entries
- update: allow user to edit journal entries (?) (maybe have a created time stamp and an edited time stamp?)
- delete: allow user to delete previous journal entries
- Implements User Authentication (DONE)
- initial page will require user to sign in / sign up
- seperate home page for signed-in users
- sign out button on nav-bar
- Implements proper back-end Models and Database design (DONE)
- database will be postgreSQL
- model for user
- id (PK)
- username (CharField)
- password (Charfield (how to encrypt?))
- email (EmailField)
- anything else?
- model for journal
- id (PK)
- title (CharField)
- created date/time (DateTimeField)
- edited date/time (DateTimeField)
- entry (TextField)
- user FK (Links to user PK)
- emphasis/favorite (BooleanField)
- type (Charfield)
- anything else?
- Implements proper styling, presentation, and site navigation
- styling and presentation will be taken care of between boostrap and the Pexels api
- site navigation using React browserrouter or hashbrowser (?)
- links to different pages will live in the navbar
Login Page Home Page (<- Pictures and Quotes from api will go here) Make Journal Entry Page Peruse Journal Entries
- links to different pages will live in the navbar
- Implements a feature-rich application demonstrating proper web design principles
- hopefully this idea is meaty enough
- add more feature ideas here
log in / sign up / log out api calls to make home page pretty CRUD implementation for journal entries
- create on make new entry page
- read / update / delete on peruse entries page
- filters for journal entries (?) (by date, by favorite, etc)