A simple package for throwing graphql validation error with localization.
npm install --save gql-error
This library provides two function validate() and error()
validate() can be used for form validations and error() can be used to throw normal graphql error.
validate(input, rules[, options]) takes 3 parameter
First parameter: input object we get from graphql. Ex: {email: "[email protected]", password: "gqlvalidator"}
Second parameter: rules for validation (example below).
Third parameter: options for localization and others.
error(message[, options]) takes 2 parameter
First parameter: concatenated string that matches json path in config files as shown below.
Second parameter: same as above third parameter.
localizeString(message[, options]) takes 2 parameter (This API actually doesn't throw any error but returns a localized message from our locale config files.) First parameter: concatenated string that matches json path in config files as shown below.
- lang (string) - Which localization to use. Default 'en'.
- gql (boolean) - If true uses throws graphql error. If false, throws error as original nodejs error. Default true.
Authentication example:
import GQLError from 'gql-validator';
import rules from './auth.validation';
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
login: (_, { input }, req) => {
let lang = req.header('Accept-Language'); //en
GQLError.validate(input, rules.login(), { lang: lang });
return User
.findOne({email: input.email})
.then(user => {
if (!user) GQLError.error('user.email.notFound', {lang: lang});
if (input.password == 'gqlvalidator') {
GQLError.error('user.password.incorrect', {lang: lang});
return user;
.catch(err => {
throw err;
register: (_, { input }, req) => {
let lang = req.header('Accept-Language'); //se
GQLError.validate(input, rules.register(), { lang: lang });
return User
.findOne({ where: { email: input.email } })
.then(res => {
if (res) GQLError.error('user.email.notAvailable', { lang: lang });
return User
email: input.email,
password: input.password
.then(user => {
return user;
.catch(err => {
throw err;
.catch(err => {
throw err;
validation rules (I used a different file ./auth.validation.js)
To learn more about rule convention, see how to make constraints here: http://validatejs.org
const rules = {
register: () => {
return {
email: {
presence: { message: "user.email.required" },
email: { message: "user.email.invalid" }
password: {
presence: { message: "user.password.required" },
length: {
minimum: 3, message: "user.password.minimum"
login: () => {
// rules here
Message config files: en.json
"user": {
"email": {
"required": "Email is required",
"invalid": "Invalid email address",
"notAvailable": "Email address not available",
"notFound": "Email address not found"
"password": {
"required": "Password is required",
"minimum": "Minimum 3 character required",
"incorrect": "Password is incorrect"
se.json (Used google translator, you get the idea :D)
"user": {
"email": {
"required": "E-post krävs",
"invalid": "Ogiltig e-postadress",
"notAvailable": "E-postadressen är inte tillgänglig",
"notFound": "E-postadressen hittades inte"
"password": {
"required": "Lösenord krävs",
"minimum": "Minst 3 tecken krävs",
"incorrect": "Lösenord är inkorrekt"
You need to create separate files for different locales. Name should match exactly what you will use in option {lang: en}.
For now your json file structure and path should look exactly like above.
In order to provide lang option either you will need to have access to 'Accept-Language' header option found in request inside graphql resolver or you need to find a way to provide lang option for third parameter for localisation. In above example I have passed req object as a third parameter in resolver.