NightVision is a highly customizable charting library, created for professional traders. It is a continuation of TradingVueJS project, borrowing its core ideas, but applying better design decisions and improving performance. Built with Svelte.
Start your charting journey with our interactive [DOCS].
npm i night-vision
import { NightVision } from 'night-vision'
let chart = new NightVision('<root-element-id>')
// Generate some random data
function data() {
return Array(30).fill(1).map((x, i) => [
new Date(`${i+1} Nov 2022 GMT+0000`).getTime(),
i * Math.random()
// Set the dataset = {
panes: [{
overlays: [{
name: 'APE Stock',
type: 'Spline',
data: data(),
settings: {
precision: 2
Add stocks support (Index-Based mode)Improve the layout: x/y axis calculationExpand the built-in overlay collectionAdd keyboard & mouse events- Port the script system from TVJS
- Create a built-in indicator collection
- NavyJS tutorial
- Data API (the high-level API)
- Add tool overlays
- Toolbar
- Mobile support