Date Developed : 04/11/2021
Date Modified : 20/03/2022
Developer FullName : Seotsa Abram Makaota
Project Name : Dice Roller App
To learn core android development fundamentals for Phones and Tablet To Learn how to use the Model View Controller (MVC) Pattern To Learn how to transition between phones and tablet using the saveInstances function To learn about how to setup a recycler view, fragments and activities in the newest version of android studio and also to learn about a smooth user experience/design (UX) when developing mobile apps
It's a dice roller app for board games say you have a physical board games that requires 1 to 6 dices to play the game e.g(Monopoly, ludo, snake & ladder etc.) and if you don't have a physical die or dices to play one of this gamesthat's where dice roller app comes in, to assist the user to play the game without having to use a physical die or dices this app is optimized for phones and tablets
This app represent StartActivity, DiceActivity and SettingsActivity that has three features namely
- Dice Options,
- Theme Options,
- User Experience
The Start Activity Screen is shown every time the app is opened
This Activity lets the user to roll the dice by tapping the dice image at the bottom or
by tapping game area of the screen, depending on the user settings of the game or app
based on the setting the user can choose to toggle between screens whether to view the
dice current results or not
This activity presents the user with preferences settings,
this feature let the users to choose how many dices they want to use from 1 die up to 6 dices this feature also let the users choose dice images they want to play with. the user can choose up to 10 different dice images
this feature allows the users to choose background color themes between 10 different colors this feature also allows the users to toggle from full screen mode on the main screen
This feature allows users to turn the shake detector on/off when rolling the dice this feature also allows users to switch play sound on/off when tapping or shaking the device to roll the die/dice this feature speaks the added total of the dices after each roll and users can turn that on/off and lastly this feature can vibrate the device when tapping/shaking to roll and users can switch on/off if they want to
- Shake Animation
implementation 'com.daimajia.androidanimations:library:2.4@aar'\ - Fancy Toast Messages
implementation 'io.github.shashank02051997:FancyToast:2.0.1'