/price + CRYPTO =>
See cryptocurrency price. More than 5000 assets!!. EX:/price btc
/wallet_info {BTC_ADDRESS}
=> Saw transactions of a bitcoin address in chain. This means you can only see confirmed transactions./check_transaction {TRANSACTION HASH}
=> returns the status ofthe transaction given a transaction hash./post_transaction {TX}
=> post raw transaction to bitcoin network. You need a signed transaction to post it.
/robosats_offers {FIAT} {DIRECTION}
=> Returns all active offers given a fiat currency and the purpose of the order/create_robosats_alert {FIAT} {AMOUNT} {PREMIUM} {METHOD} {DIRECTION}
=> Create an alert for robosats exchange/my_robosats_alerts
=> Show your robosats active alerts/remove_robosats_alert {ALERT_ID}
=> Remove your robosats alert
/gas =>
Shows ETH GAS price/btcfee =>
Shows Bitcoin fees/bscgas =>
Shows Binance Smart Chain GAS price/polygas =>
Shows Polygon GAS price
/inviteme =>
Invite CryptoBot to your server/vote =>
give us 5 stars on top.gg/support =>
Join if you find a bug or if you have some suggestions/info =>
Bot info and some stats/status =>
Check status of all functionalities
=> Invite me a coffee.