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gene pfmdr1

Olivo Miotto edited this page Sep 17, 2021 · 1 revision


Locus: PF3D7_0523000 (pfmdr1)

The Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance 1 transporter (PfMDR1) is encoded by pfmdr1 gene. This transporter is located at the digestive vacuole membrane of the parasite. Two types of alterations to this transporter have been considered to affect antimalarial drug sensitivity: (1) PfMDR1 polymorphisms, and (2) pfmdr1 amplification. Mutations at amino acid residues 86, 184 and 1246 have been associated with altered parasite susceptibility to chloroquine, amodiaquine and artemether/lumefantrine. In addition, increased pfmdr1 copy numbers have been associated with resistance to mefloquine and lumefantrine.

Table 1 Frequent mutations in PfMDR1

Codon Wild-type Mutation
86 N Y
184 Y F
1246 D Y

Haplotype Distribution

The following table demonstrated the distribution of PfMDR1 haplotypes in different geographical subcontinents. This table used the data from Version 6.0 of MalariaGEN Plasmodium falciparum Community Project . Haplotypes NYY, YFD, YFY and YYY are common in Africa while they are rarely occurred in other regions.

Table 2 Haplotype distribution of PfMDR1 among different geographical locations

NFD 65 238 119 942 19 990 214 78 2665
NFY 34 3 0 2 0 0 3 0 42
NYD (wild-type) 1 250 165 552 92 767 1003 25 2855
NYY 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 5
YFD 0 7 48 296 0 0 0 1 352
YFY 0 0 9 5 0 0 0 0 14
YYD 2 42 69 11 16 4 12 103 259
YYY 0 63 17 30 0 0 0 0 110
TOTAL 102 607 427 1839 127 1761 1232 207 6302

aRepresents amino acids, left-to-right, at codons 86, 184 and 1246, respectively

SAM = South America; EAF = East Africa; CAF = Central Africa; WAF = West Africa;

SAS = South Asia; ESEA = East South-East Asia; WSEA = West South-East Asia; OCE = Oceania

Associations between alleles

To impute the missing codons in PfMDR1, the associations between amino acids at position 86, 184 and 1246 were assessed to generate the imputation rules using the data from MalariaGEN Plasmodium falciparum Community Project version 6.0.

Codons 86 and 184

There is no significant association between PfMDR1 codons 86 and 184 in parasites from all regions (see Table 3) . However, the results from Table 4 suggested the following imputation rules for parasites in Asia (SubContinent: SAS, ESEA and WSEA):

  1. 86Y predicts Y184
  2. 184F predicts N86

Table 3 Contingency table of co-occurrence between codons 86 and 184

All regions N86 86Y Total
184F 2852 399 3251
Y184 2961 392 3353
Total 5813 791 6604

Fisher's exact test : P = 0.47

Table 4 Contingency table of co-occurrence between codons 86 and 184 in Asia

Asia N86 86Y Total
184F 1231 0 1231
Y184 1877 32 1909
Total 3108 32 3140

Fisher's exact test : P < 0.01

Codons 86 and 1246

There is a significant association between PfMDR1 codons 86 and 1246 (see Table 5) but it is not sufficient to generate a imputation rule.

Table 5 Contingency table of co-occurrence between codons 86 and 1246

All regions N86 86Y Total
D1246 6636 662 7298
1246Y 49 131 180
Total 6685 793 7478

Fisher's exact test : P < 0.01

Codons 184 and 1246

There is a significant association between PfMDR1 codons 184 and 1246 (see Table 6) but it is not sufficient to generate a imputation rule.

Table 6 Contingency table of co-occurrence between codons 184 and 1246

All regions 184F Y184 Total
D1246 3345 3296 6641
1246Y 59 122 181
Total 3404 3418 6822

Fisher's exact test : P < 0.01

Imputation Rules

Summary of imputation rules generated from association among PfMDR1 codons in MalariaGEN Plasmodium falciparum Community Project dataset.

Table 7 Imputation rules for predicting PfMDR1 haplotype

Region Inputa Outputa Coding
SAS, ESEA, WSEA Y - - Y Y - if(mdr1_86[N] == “Y”){mdr1_184[F] <- “Y”}
SAS, ESEA, WSEA - F - N F - if(mdr1_184[Y] == “F”){mdr1_86[F] <- “N”}

aRepresents amino acids, left-to-right, at codons 86, 164 and 1246, respectively

See also