A smart contract for increasing transparency about BP ownership and system administrators.
Project is live on the 2bpintegrity account.
⚠️ To sign the existing "infra" agreement, please add your system administrators' full names and Telegram handles as a "system_admins
" key as part of the "org
" field of your bp.json.
Submitting bp.json
cleos push action 2bpintegrity setbpjson '{"owner":"your_account", "json": "your_json"}' -p your_account@active
cleos push action 2bpintegrity makeagreemnt '{"identifier":"agreement_identifier", "agreement": "your_agreement"}' -p your_account@active
Agreements can be viewed in the agreements table.
cleos push action 2bpintegrity signagreemnt '{"owner":"your_account", "agreement_identifier": "agreement_identifier"}' -p your_account@active
2bpintegrity is MIT licensed.