This program was inspired by a similar project a friend was working on. I was interested in the challenge of devising an algorithm for solving sudoku puzzles, and implementing it.
I've chosen python as I've been using it a lot lately. The current software design is probably not the most efficient or pythonic, but my emphasis is on getting working and well documented code.
Clone this repository into a folder on your computer, or download the file directly.
Import into your module or python shell. Instantiate the class SudokuTable with a 9x9 list of lists of integers: 1-9 for the starting cells, and 0 for unknown cells. This should look like the following:
EASY = [
[5,3,0, 0,7,0, 0,0,0],
[6,0,0, 1,9,5, 0,0,0],
[0,9,8, 0,0,0, 0,6,0],
[8,0,0, 0,6,0, 0,0,3],
[4,0,0, 8,0,3, 0,0,1],
[7,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,6],
[0,6,0, 0,0,0, 2,8,0],
[0,0,0, 4,1,9, 0,0,5],
[0,0,0, 0,8,0, 0,7,9]]
And thus creating a class will be:
st = sudoku_solver.SudokuTable(EASY)
The given sudoku puzzle can be solved, and the solution displayed, with:
See the module documentation with pydoc sudoku_solver
for more details.