- put triangle logo in
- add and position "to archives" button & logo
- find pixel book background for archives.html
- explore design options for archives.html (float by? interactive book by mouseover?)
- find pixel book logos (the magical ones)
- finalise design for title & alt title & author in review.html (since review.html is the one-stop viewing page)
- explore either PDF.js or viewer.js is better for review.html rendering
- add footers for all & acknowledgement in footer
- complete navbar navigation buttons (archives & just read & potential future pages)
- ADD QUERY STRING TO THIS REDIRECT: something like reader.html?review=just-read
- FUTURE: about page for libraryofpatchouli
note to self: added LFS to this repo. i think i unintentionally made it apply to all pdfs instead of just the one big file (mutterings/mut1.pdf) i want to track so i will need to rectify that