A Python Actor based application server powered by FreeSWITCH. Freepy enables Python developers to rapidly build complex communications solutions by providing a simple programming model along with primitives to communicate with FreeSWITCH asynchronously over the event socket.
Before we start working with freepy it is a good idea to have a working installtion of FreeSWITCH. If you need help please follow the instructions provided on the FreeSWITCH wiki page.
To get started with freepy we must first install the dependencies. This can be done either system wide or in a virtual environment. In this getting started guide we will create a virtual environment in which to run freepy.
$] git clone https://github.com/thomasquintana/freepy.git
$] cd freepy
$] virtualenv env
$] . env/bin/activate
$] pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Next, edit the file located @ ./conf/settings.py so freeswitch_host has the correct information to connect to your FreeSWITCH instance.
The FreeSWITCH event socket module only listens on IP address by default. Please make sure if FreeSWITCH is on a different machine that you bind the event socket module to the LAN IP.
Once everything is configured we are ready to take freepy for a run.
$] python run.py
To configure how messages get routed to switchlets please edit the file located @ ./conf/rules.py.
More documentation is on the way soon but for now an example heartbeat monitor switchlet is provided.
That's all there is to it!