A peer-to-peer marketplace app.
Also see the Desk and Glob tutorial.
On your Urbit ship, create and mount a desk for %classifieds
|merge %classifieds our %garden
|mount %classifieds
Go back to Unix and copy the files from the desk/
folder into the desk of your pier:
cp -r path_to_this_repo/desk/* path_to_your_urbit_pier/classifieds
Back on your ship, commit the files and install the agent:
|commit %classifieds
|install our %classifieds
Inside the ui/
directory of this repo, run
npm install
npm run build
In your browser, navigate to http://your_ship_url/docket/upload
. In the drop-down menu for desk
, select classifieds
. Click Choose File
and select the ui/dist/
directory. Finally, click glob!