There are important stories within your documents. Uwazi helps you tell them. Uwazi is a free, open-source solution for organizing, analyzing and publishing your documents.
Read the user guide
- NodeJs 8.11.x For ease of update, use nvm:
- ElasticSearch 5.6.x (Make sure to have 5.6, some sections of the instructions use 5.x which would install a different version). Please note that ElasticSearch requires java.
- MongoDB 3.4.x (there are known issues with 3.6, please ensure 3.4)
- Yarn
- pdftotext (Poppler) tested to work on version 0.26 but its recommended to use the latest available for your platform
Before anything else you will need to install the application dependencies.
If you want to use the latest development code:
$ git clone
$ cd uwazi
$ yarn install
If you just want to only use the latest stable release (recommended for production):
$ git clone -b master --single-branch
$ cd uwazi
$ yarn install
There may be an issue with pngquant not running correctly. If you encounter this issue, you are probably missing library libpng-dev. Please run:
$ sudo rm -rf node_modules
$ sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
$ yarn install
$ yarn production-build
The first time you run Uwazi, you will need to initialize the database with its default blank values. Do no run this command for existing projects, as this will erase the entire database. Note that from this point you need ElasticSearch and MongoDB running.
$ yarn blank-state
Then start the server by typing:
$ yarn run-production
By default, Uwazi runs on localhost on the port 3000. So point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and authenticate yourself with the default username "admin" and password "change this password now".
Check out the user guide for more configuration options.
Updating Uwazi is pretty straight forward using git:
$ cd uwazi
$ git pull
$ yarn install
$ yarn migrate
$ yarn production-build
$ yarn run-production
- If you are not using git, just download and overwrite the code in the Uwazi directory.
- 'yarn install' will automatically add, remove or replace any changes in module dependecies.
- 'yarn migrate' will track your last data version and, if needed, run a script over your data to modify it so that is up to date with your Uwazi version.
Uwazi supports the following environment variables to customize its deployment:
: MongoDB hostname (default:localhost
: MongoDB instance nameELASTICSEARCH_URL
: ElasticSearch connection URL (default:http://localhost:9200
: Folder on local filesystem where uploaded PDF and other files are written to (TODO temporarily or permanently?)
$ yarn hot
This will launch a webpack server and nodemon app server for hot reloading any changes you make.
We test using the JEST framework (built on top of Jasmine). To run the unit and integration tests, execute
$ yarn test
This will run the entire test suite, both on server and client apps.
For End-to-End testing, we have a full set of fixtures that test the overall functionality. Be advised that, for the time being, these tests are run ON THE SAME DATABASE as the default database (uwazi_developmet), so running these tests will DELETE any exisisting data and replace it with the testing fixtures. DO NOT RUN ON PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS!
Running end to end tests require a running Uwazi app.
$ yarn hot
On a different console tab, run
$ yarn e2e
Note that if you already have an instance running, this will likely throw an error of ports already been used. Only one instance of Uwazi may be run in a the same port at the same time.
E2E Tests depend on electron. If something appears to not be working, please run node_modules/electron/dist/electron --help
to check for problems.
The application's default log in is admin / change this password now
Note the subtle nudge ;)