A lightweight PHP script that updates your dns records at Cloudflare when pinged by your router.
You will need:
- A Cloudflare account (it doesn't matter whether it's free or a paid plan)
- A webspace with PHP support (just for this script)
- A router that can ping this updater (tested with FRITZ!Box 7490 by AVM)
First of all you need a Cloudflare API token with specified permissions:
- Zone / DNS / Edit
- Zone / DNS / Read
Select your zone in Zone Resources:
- Include / Specific zone / example.com
For security reasons it's recommended limit the access to your webserver's ip in "Client IP Address Filtering". You can copy and paste the token in the $config array (token).
Stay logged in on Cloudflare! After that you need to create A and AAAA records (e.g. dyndns.example.com) and you have to copy the Zone ID. The Zone ID is shown on the domain overview. You can adapt the Zone ID into the $config array.
Finalize the updater by inserting the credentials on your router settings. User and password are stored unencrypted and without any hash in the $config array because the routers pass them on as a get variable anyway... The URL should look like this: