Update ReportFilter/config.py, and then run:
$ export APP_SETTINGS="ReportFilter.config.DevelopmentConfig"
$ export APP_SETTINGS="ReportFilter.config.ProductionConfig"
$ export SECRET_KEY="change_me"
Create the databases in psql
$ psql
# create database test
# \q
Create the tables and run the migrations:
$ python manage.py create_db
$ python manage.py db init
$ python manage.py db migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
Access the application at the address http://localhost:5000/
1. /auth/register - register
2. /auth/login - login
3. /auth/logout - logout
4. /auth/status - check on auth
5. /reports/range - get datarange from client
- Fork/Clone
- Navigate to 'client' directory
- Install dependencies -
npm install
- Start the server -
ng serve
1. /register - register
2. /login - login
3. /logout - logout
4. /status - check on auth