Using this catkin workspace, I run it as follows:
0. Build this catkin workspace with catkin build
and source with source devel/setup.bash
. Source in all terminals.
- Terminal 1: run
- Terminal 2: run
rosparam set use_sim_time true
- Terminal 2: Run a rosbag from lester in the background. I use this loop one:
with the following command:rosbag play --clock gq_cmu_forest_loop_data_collect_04_2023-05-05-13-40-11.bag
- Terminal 3: run
roslaunch learned_cost_map cmu_sara_stack_lester.launch
- Terminal 4: run
python robot_dataset/scripts/
. Make sure to set the right parameters for where the pre-trained models are stored and where the models will be stored. These should ideally be put into an argparser or a hydra config. - Make sure you can visualize training loss with wandb.