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ProtegoSafe Android app


Project structure

This is multi-module Android Studio Project. It can be compiled with gradle commands, or from Android Studio user interface.

Project modules

  • app - all the classes related to the Android UI such as view models, adapters, views, dependency injection
  • domain - in this module we place all objects that will interact with other layers
  • data - contains everything related to data persistence and manipulation
  • device - has everything related to Android that’s not data persistence and UI
  • opentrace - OpenTrace code for bluetooth tracking

Build Variants

Application has 3 flavours matching environments: Prod, Stage, and Dev.

Flavours have different:

  • Firebase configurations
  • URL for PWA

There are two build types: release, and debug.

Setup of the app

To get started on the app, setup and configure the following:

  1. ./

  2. Firebase - google-services.json

  3. Protocol version

Config parameters in

Name Description
ORG Organisation code indicating the country and health authority with which devices with installed application will be enrolled
SERVICE_FOREGROUND_NOTIFICATION_ID ID for tracing service notifications
SERVICE_FOREGROUND_CHANNEL_ID ID for tracing service notifications channel
SERVICE_FOREGROUND_CHANNEL_NAME Name of tracing service notifications channel
PUSH_NOTIFICATION_ID ID for push notifications
PUSH_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME Name for push notifications channel
SCAN_DURATION Duration of BLE scan [ms]
MIN_SCAN_INTERVAL Minimum interval between BLE scans [ms]
MAX_SCAN_INTERVAL Maximum interval between BLE scans [ms]
ADVERTISING_DURATION Duration of BLE advertisment [ms]
ADVERTISING_INTERVAL Interval between BLE advertisments [ms]
PURGE_INTERVAL Interval between searching entries to purge [ms]
PURGE_TTL Maximum age of tracing entries in database [ms]
BM_CHECK_INTERVAL Interval between checks of temporary id validity [ms]
HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL Interval between self checks of Bluetooth Monitoring Service [ms]
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for connections to other devices [ms]
BLACKLIST_DURATION Duration of blacklisting of contacted device [ms]
FIREBASE_REGION Firebase region (e.g. europe-west3)
STAGING_FIREBASE_UPLOAD_BUCKET Firebase bucket for uploading tracing files in debug type of application
STAGING_SERVICE_UUID Bluetooth service UUIDin debug type of application
V2_CHARACTERISTIC_ID Id of BLE characteristic
PRODUCTION_FIREBASE_UPLOAD_BUCKET Firebase bucket for uploading tracing files in release type of application
PRODUCTION_SERVICE_UUID Bluetooth service UUIDin release type of application
PROD_WEB_URL PWA URL - prod build flavour
STAGE_WEB_URL PWA URL - stage build flavour
DEV_WEB_URL PWA URL - dev build flavour
SAFETYNET_API_KEY Api key for safetynet

Firebase and google-services.json

Setup Firebase for the different environment. Download the google-services.json for each of each environment.

Prod: ./app/src/prod/google-services.json

Stage: ./app/src/stage/google-services.json

Dev: ./app/src/dev/google-services.json

Protocol Version

Protocol version used should be 2 (or above) Version 1 of the protocol has been deprecated



Basic version with PWA, and notifications


Added OpenTrace module for collecting BLE contacts


Improved Bluetooth module operation

Added support for deleting all data collected by Bluetooth module


Fixed wrong condition for battery optimization check for Android 5

SafetyNet check disabled - removed verification if device is rooted


Aplikacja Android



Code of conduct

Security policy





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  • Kotlin 100.0%