¡Bienvenidos a mi blog personal de Notas Tecnológicas! 🚀 Aquí encontrarás información que he ido recopilando sobre cursos, libros, notas, universidad, posgrados y cualquier otra fuente.
¿Quién soy? Conéctate conmigo en LinkedIn y hablemos: Matias Miguez 🤝
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Contacto: Si encuentras algún error tipográfico, imágenes faltantes o problemas en las páginas, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo. Puedes escribirme a GMAIL. 📧
IMPORTANTE: Todas las notas compartidas aquí reflejan mi investigación personal, mi camino de aprendizaje y mis opiniones. Siempre proporciono referencias a los autores originales y respeto los derechos de autor. 🔍📚
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- Introduction and notes on NoSQL Databases
- Specialisation Building Cloud Computing Solutions at Scale
- How to build a KnowledgeBase
- On User Stories notes
- Design Thinking notes
- Tech Trends 2023
- A reflection on Software Engineering: A Journey of Creativity and Rigor
- Spring Framework Notes
- Notas de Java
- On API Notes
- Git, Gitflow and Trunk Based development
- Getting Started In Spring Development
- Advance Your Spring Development Skills
- Notas de Programación en C
- Concurrencia y Java
- OpenAPI
- Interfaces Funcionales en Java
- Gherkin and Automation
- RobotFramework to test satellites
- On Unit Test, TDD and BDD
- BDD with Cucumber for Java course
- Agile and SCRUM. The perks of know nothing
- Waterfall: what really means the paper
- The History of the project A7 by David Parnas
- Software engineering timeline
- Generative AI
- Conference h4cked 2022
- Cybersecurity Foundations
- IT Security Foundations: Core Concepts
- Programming Foundations: Web Security
- DevOps Foundations: DevSecOps
- ¿Qué nos enseña El Principito para aplicar en la ingeniería?
- De developer a líder: notas y libros sugeridos
- How to Speak by Patrick Winston notes
- Negociación y resolución de conflictos
- Emotional Intelligence
- Gestión del tiempo (Time Management)
Charlas --> Notas de las charlas
- Evolutionary Architecture: the art of making decisions >> Jose Enrique Calderon Sanz
- Architecture Antipattern >> Andreas Voigt
- Next Level Enterprise Architecture: Modular, Flexible, Scalable and IA ready? >> Maik Wietheger & Jan-Christoph Schlieker
- Architecting the future: leveraging AI, Cloud, and data for business Sucess >> Panelistas: Christian Ertler & Marc Binder & Karin Janina Schweizer & Tomislav Tipuric
- Beyond the hype: Real-World AI strategies >> Panelistas: Jurgen Muller & Tobias Regenfus & Mike Butcher & Katrin Lehmann
- Durable Execution: A revolutionary abstraction for building resilient applications >> Maxim Fateev
- Real-World Threat Modeling >> Ali Yazdani
- Intentional code: minimalism in a world of dogmatic design >> David Whitney
- Specifications as the better way of software development >> Artem Manchenkov
- From zero to Hero: Launch & manage your cloud apps with free OpenShift & Red Hat developer Hub >> Markus Eisele
- Autonomous microservices with event-driven architecture >> Florian Lenz
- Quantum Computing for classical developers >> Julian Burr
- The Lifehackers guide to software architecture >> Julian Lang
- Scaling Databases >> Tobias Petry
- The Transformative impact of GenAI for software development and its implications for cybersecurity >> Chris Wysopal
- The Future of Open Source >> Scott Chacon
- Micro-Frontends discovery >> Luca Mezzalira
- Non-Functional user Stories Specification and test >> Johannes Bergsmann
- Modern data Architectures need software engineering >> Matthias Niehoff
- Serverless Java in action: cloud agnostic design patterns and tips >> Kevin Dubois & Daniel Oh
- Ingeniería de Requerimientos
- Modelado de Software con Objetos
- Arquitecturas de Software
- Mediciones de Software y Sistemas
- Planeamiento y Estimación de Proyectos de Software
- Administración del Riesgo en Desarrollo de Software
- Gestión de Recursos Humanos y Conducción de Equipos
- Métodos de Desarrollo de Software
Materias y notas de la especialización
- Gestión Empresarial y Transformación Digital
- Habilidades Directivas (S. Profesionalizante)
- Gestión Económico Financiera
- Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster, By David Farley
- Extreme Programming Explained
- The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, by Fred Brooks transcribiendo notas...
- ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever, By David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried transcribiendo notas...
- Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, Craig Larman
- Thinking in Java 2nd Edition, by Bruce Eckel
- C Programming Language, 2nd Edition, by de Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
- Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John M. Vlissides
- Software Engineering, 10th Edition by Ian Sommerville
- Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 8th Edition, Roger Pressmann
- The Object Primer, 3rd Edition, Scott Ambler
- Structured Computer Organization, 5 ed. Tanenbaum
- Computer Networks, 5 ed. Tanenbaum
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin (13%)
- Refactoring: improving the design of existing code, by Martin Fowler (5%)
- Working effectively with legacy code, by Michael Feathers (5%)
- Spring in Action, 5th Edition by Craig Walls (80%)
- Habito Atomico, James Clear
- Shape Up. A book, a web site
- Xtrem TDD
- Software Engineering at Google. A book, a web site
- On Agile by Martin Fowler
- Software Design By Example. A book, a web site
- On Architecture by Martin Fowler
- The C4 model for visualising software architecture by Simon Brown
- On Microservices. The complete reference guide
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications. A book, a web site
- Hexagonal Me
- Java SE 21: Programming Complete
- I, Robot by Issac Asimov (1950)
- Caves of Steel by Issac Asimov (1954)
- The Naked Sun by Issac Asimov (1957)
- The Robots of Dawn by Issac Asimov (1983)
- Robots and Empire by Issac Asimov (1985)
- Exhalation, by Ted Chiang
- The Lord Of the Rings (all three), The hobbit and The Simarilion
- Millenium Saga (Stieg Larson) I, II and III
- The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- El Alquimista, Paulo Cohelo
- 100 Años de Soledad, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Imperio. En la Arena Estelar.
- Cuentos completos de Robots.
- 1984 George Orwell (54%)