We are excited to announce MatrixOne 0.7.0 release. MatrixOne has made much progress with its stability and performance in this release, along with an increase in MySQL compatibility and many new features. Cheers!
docker pull matrixorigin/matrixone:0.7.0
-Support foreign key
-Support adding "cluster by" in DDL statements
-Add a MYSQL_COMPATBILITY_MODE to manage MySQL-compatible behaviors
-Improve Unique Index behavior
-Support to load data from the client machine
-Support Alter View
-Add query_result() function to get saved query results
-Support account suspending
-Support system table sharing to accounts
-Add aggregation function: group_concat
-Add built-in functions: format, replace, curdate, field, substring_index
Known Issues:
-0.7.0 data format is not compatible with the previous versions.
-Transactional performance doesn't compete with mature DBMS products.
-Secondary Key doesn't improve any performance.
-Only support up to 100GB benchmark testing.
-Out of memory(OOM) error or context deadline will occur after 5 hours of frequent testing.
-Query as count(*) performance is unsatisfactory.
-Loading several GB tables in distributed cluster will result in OOM error.
This release includes 656 commits by 43 authors.
New Contributors
- @sourcelliu made their first contribution in #6747
- @iceTTTT made their first contribution in #7201
- @chrisxu333 made their first contribution in #6968
- @songjiayang made their first contribution in #7450
- @dr-lab made their first contribution in #7647
- @arjunsk made their first contribution in #7849
- @Morranto made their first contribution in #7471