Annotations (mm10 genome) of TFs Motifs activs in Developmental Mouse Heart at E11.5
Barbara Wold Lab Caltech - polyA plus RNA-seq Assay | Experiment summary for ENCSR6910PQ - | Annotations (mm10 genome) of TFs Motifs activs in Developmental Mouse Heart at E11.5
- Provider
- Softwares
- Biosample
- UCSC Tracks Acronyms
- Attachments List
- Provider
Osterwalder Lab, University of Bern ( Iros Barozzi, Medical University of Vienna (
- Softwares
Motifs Annotations by Position Weight Matrices (PWMs) sequence probability match -> MEME-suite package FIMO tool ( Average Conservation Score by phyloP (phylogenetic p-value) -> Bwtool (
- Biosample
Assay : polyA plus RNA-seq Replicates : 2 Biosample summary : Mus musculus strain B6NCrl heart tissue embryo (11.5 days) Biosample Type : tissue Replication type : isogenic Description : PolyA RNA-Seq from oligo-dT primed Total RNA on embryonic 11.5 day (e11.5) mouse heart Sample provider : Lab Barbara Wold, Caltech Award : U54HG006998 (Richard Myers, HAIB) Project : ENCODE URLLinks :
- UCSC Tracks Acronyms
CLS = TF Motif Class FAM = TF Motif Family PWM = TF Motif's Position Weight Matrix ID STR = TF Motif's Strand localisation SEQ = TF Motif's sequence SCR = TF Motif's "Identity" Score (MEME-suite-FIMO tool; TF Motif's matrix match probability) PVL = TF Motif's "Identity" p-value (MEME-suite-FIMO tool; TF Motif's matrix match probability) ACS = Average Conservation Score (Bwtool; TFs Motifs sequences conservation scoring – By phyloP [phylogenetic p-value])
- Attachments List
ATTACHMENT 1 = Motif's relative TPM / FPKM scores (FPKM threshold : >= 2) : AnnotatedTFsMotifsTPMFPKM.txt
ATTACHMENT 2 = PWM / Mouse_Gene_Name / Name_Human / ID / Superclass / Class / Family / Subfamily / References : AnnotatedTFsMotifsList.txt