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Scalable microservices platform meant for hosting on Raspberrypi, featuring internet-facing revproxy with authentication

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Home Server

The Home Server project is designed as a robust and secure platform for personal infrastructure management using two Docker stacks. It consists of various services, including web-facing and internal utilities, each isolated within Docker containers to maximize security and operational efficiency. The primary components of the infrastructure setup include two Nginx instances, edge and internal, serving as internet-facing and internal reverse proxies, respectively.

Overview of Design

Containers are discriminated between infrastructure and services.


Each container is versioned via a variable in the file in each corresponding directory. Version bumps are done with python <service> <part>.

Security Considerations

Secure Communications

  • SSL for External Communication (Nginx A): Utilizes SSL certificates from known CAs (e.g., Let's Encrypt) for secure communications between Nginx A and the end-users
  • Internal Communication:
    • mTLS between Nginx edge and Nginx internal: Implements Mutual TLS (mTLS) for secure internal communication between the two Nginx instances, ensuring both parties authenticate each other.
    • Communication between Nginx internal and services occurs within a Docker bridge network, without SSL, relying on Docker's network isolation for security.

User Identity Management for Protected Zone

  • Authentication via Vouch: User identity is enforced through a Vouch whitelist, along with the forwarding of user identity information contained within the X-Vouch-Idp-Token header by Nginx to the application.
  • Token Verification: Applications can verify user identity by parsing the X-Vouch-Idp-Token, which follows the format <base64-header>.<base64-payload>.<base64-signature>.

Getting Started

Setup Components

Reverse Proxy Configuration

  • Nginx edge: Acts as the edge-facing reverse proxy, handling SSL/TLS for external communications. SSL certificates from recognized CAs should be configured here.
  • Vouch: Serves as the middleware handling authentication. Configuration files are located at config/vouch/config.yaml.
  • Nginx internal: Positioned between Nginx edge and the internal services, Nginx internal terminates the SSL connection from Nginx edge (using mTLS) and forwards requests to the appropriate services within the Docker network. Here, self-signed certificates or certificates from a private CA can be utilized for mTLS.
  • Auth0 Authorization Configuration:
    • Navigate to your application settings on your Auth0 Dashboard.
    • Under the Connections tab, disable Username-Password-Authentication and enable google-oauth2.
    • Create an admin role under User Management/Roles and assign users accordingly in User Management/Users.

Configuration Steps

  1. Make sure rootless docker runs on boot:
sudo loginctl enable-linger <user>
  1. Nginx A SSL Configuration: Configure Nginx A with SSL certificates obtained from a recognized CA to secure communications with end users.

  2. Setting up mTLS between Nginx A and Nginx B:

    • Generate self-signed certificates or use certificates from a private CA for both Nginx A and Nginx B to establish a trusted mTLS connection.
    • Update Nginx A's configuration to require client certificates for connections to Nginx B, specifying paths to the server's certificate, its private key, and the CA certificate.
    • Configure Nginx B to trust Nginx A's certificate and to present its own certificate to Nginx A during the SSL handshake.
  3. Vouch Configuration with Auth0: Adjust the Vouch configuration file to include your specific settings and secrets as shown in the provided YAML structure. This setup integrates with Auth0 for authentication. A template file is in config/vouch/config-template.yaml.

Configuring mTLS between Nginx and Services

  1. Generate Certificates: Follow the steps to generate CA, Nginx, and service certificates.
    1. CA certificate
      # generate CA private key
      openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
      # generate CA certificate
      openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out ca.crt
    2. Server Certificate for nginx:
      # private key for nginx
      openssl genrsa -out nginx.key 2048
      # CSR for nginx
      openssl req -new -key nginx.key -out nginx.csr
      # sign CSR with CA
      openssl x509 -req -in nginx.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out nginx.crt -days 365 -sha256
    3. Client certificate
      # private key for service
      openssl genrsa -out service.key 2048
      # CSR for service
      openssl req -new -key service.key -out service.csr
      # sign CSR with CA
      openssl x509 -req -in service.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out service.crt -days 365 -sha256
  2. Configure Nginx for mTLS: Update the nginx configuration to require client certificates for secure locations, specifying paths to the server's certificate, its private key, and the CA certificate.
        location /protected/myservice {
            ssl_verify_client on; # Require a valid client certificate
            rewrite ^/protected/myservice(.*) /$1 break;
            proxy_pass http://myservice:5000; # Adjust as necessary
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            # Ensure the proxy forwards the client cert for validation
            proxy_set_header X-Client-Verify $ssl_client_verify;
            proxy_set_header X-Client-DN $ssl_client_s_dn;
            proxy_set_header X-Client-Cert $ssl_client_cert;
            include /etc/nginx/conf.d/common-headers.conf;
  3. Service Configuration: Ensure your services are configured to present their client certificates when communicating with Nginx. For Python services, include the necessary certificate paths in your service's HTTP client calls.

Adding New Services

For adding a new Python-based service, follow these steps:

  1. Service Directory: create a directory services/myservice, containing:

    • src/ directory

    • config/ directory

    • Dockerfile

       FROM python:3.11-slim
       WORKDIR /app
       COPY ./services/<myservice> .
       RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
       COPY ./common ./common
       COPY ./config/* ./config
       ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
    •, which must start with

       from common.config import setup

      this enables using shared python modules (in /common)

  2. Docker Compose: update docker-compose-rootless.yaml

Local Testing and Debugging

For testing services locally, execute them as Python package:

python -m services.<service_name>.main


  • incorporate in the readme instructions for setting up mTLS between nginx_internal and nginx_edge:
# Generate the certificate for Nginx Edge with "localhost" as the CN
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout infrastructure/nginx_edge/certs/nginxEdge.key \
-out infrastructure/nginx_edge/certs/nginxEdge.crt \
-subj "/CN=localhost"

# Generate the certificate for Nginx Internal with "host.docker.internal" as the CN
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout infrastructure/nginx_internal/certs/nginxInternal.key \
-out infrastructure/nginx_internal/certs/nginxInternal.crt \
-subj "/CN=host.docker.internal"
  • add instructions for nginx SSL certificates with certbot & letsencrypt:
    • sudo ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/<mydomain>/fullchain.pem infrastructure/nginx_edge/certs/fullchain.pem
    • sudo ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/<mydomain>/privkey.pem infrastructure/nginx_edge/certs/privkey.pem


Connectivity and Firewall

Exposing ports within docker compose should bypass UFW rules. However, nginx_edge needs to access host net to forward requests to nginx_internal, and for that it needs the host.docker.internal. In my case, I had to enable port 8443 on UFW for enabling such inter-nginx communication.

Deployment on RaspberryPi

Docker stats & Memory usage

If docker stats doesn't show any memory usage (0.0%), according to this post, simply add to /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt:

cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1


Scalable microservices platform meant for hosting on Raspberrypi, featuring internet-facing revproxy with authentication






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