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Max Freudenberg committed Jan 4, 2024
1 parent c08788a commit d355d7f
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Showing 6 changed files with 183 additions and 13 deletions.
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
name = "STRtree"
name = "GISTRtree"
uuid = "746ee33f-1797-42c2-866d-db2fce69d14d"
authors = ["Max Freudenberg <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "1.0.0-DEV"
version = "0.1.0"

Extents = "411431e0-e8b7-467b-b5e0-f676ba4f2910"
GeoInterface = "cf35fbd7-0cd7-5166-be24-54bfbe79505f"

julia = "1.8"
julia = "1.6"
Extents = "0.1.0"
GeoInterface = "1"

Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Expand Down
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
# STRtree
# GISTRtree

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An STR tree implementation for GeoInterface compatible geometries.


using GISTRtree
using Extents

tree = STRtree(geometries)
query_result = query(tree, Extent(X=(0, 100.5), Y=(0, 1.5)))
# or
query_result = query(tree, query_geometry)

Contributions are welcome! :)
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions src/GISTRtree.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
module GISTRtree

using Extents
import GeoInterface as GI

STRtree(geoms; nodecapacity=10)
Construct an STRtree from a collection of geometries with the given node capacity.
struct STRtree{T}
function STRtree(geoms; nodecapacity=10)
rootnode = build_root_node(geoms, nodecapacity=nodecapacity)
return new{typeof(rootnode)}(rootnode)

struct STRNode{E,T}

struct STRLeafNode{E}

GI.extent(n::STRNode) = n.extent
GI.extent(n::STRLeafNode) = foldl(Extents.union, n.extents)

function leafnodes(geoms; nodecapacity=10)
extents_indices = [(GI.extent(geoms[i]), i) for i in eachindex(geoms)]
perm = sortperm(extents_indices; by=(v -> ((v[1][1][1] + v[1][1][2]) / 2))) # [extent/index][dim][min/max] sort by x
sorted_extents = extents_indices[perm]
r = length(sorted_extents)
P = ceil(Int, r / nodecapacity)
S = ceil(Int, sqrt(P))
x_splits = Iterators.partition(sorted_extents, S * nodecapacity)

nodes = STRLeafNode{Vector{typeof(extents_indices[1][1])}}[]
for x_split in x_splits
perm = sortperm(x_split; by=(v -> ((v[1][2][1] + v[1][2][2]) / 2))) # [extent/index][dim][min/max] sort by y
sorted_split = x_split[perm]
y_splits = Iterators.partition(sorted_split, nodecapacity)
for y_split in y_splits
push!(nodes, STRLeafNode(getindex.(y_split,1), getindex.(y_split,2)))
return nodes

# a bit of duplication...
function parentnodes(nodes; nodecapacity=10)
extents_indices = [(GI.extent(node), node) for node in nodes]
perm = sortperm(extents_indices; by=(v -> ((v[1][1][1] + v[1][1][2]) / 2))) # [extent/node][dim][min/max] sort by x
sorted_extents = extents_indices[perm]
r = length(sorted_extents)
P = ceil(Int, r / nodecapacity)
S = ceil(Int, sqrt(P))
x_splits = Iterators.partition(sorted_extents, S * nodecapacity)

T = typeof(extents_indices[1][1])
N = Vector{typeof(extents_indices[1][2])}
nodes = STRNode{T, N}[]
for x_split in x_splits
perm = sortperm(x_split; by=(v -> ((v[1][2][1] + v[1][2][2]) / 2))) # [extent/index][dim][min/max] sort by y
sorted_split = x_split[perm]
y_splits = Iterators.partition(sorted_split, nodecapacity)
for y_split in y_splits
push!(nodes, STRNode(foldl(Extents.union, getindex.(y_split,1)), getindex.(y_split,2)))
return nodes

"""recursively build root node from geometries and node capacity"""
function build_root_node(geoms; nodecapacity=10)
nodes = leafnodes(geoms, nodecapacity=nodecapacity)
while length(nodes) > 1
nodes = parentnodes(nodes, nodecapacity=nodecapacity)
return nodes[1]

query(tree::STRtree, extent::Extent)
query(tree::STRtree, geom)
Query the tree for geometries whose extent intersects with the given extent or the extent of the given geometry.
Returns a vector of indices of the geometries that can be used to index into the original collection of geometries under the assumption that the collection has not been modified since the tree was built.
function query end

function query(tree::STRtree, extent::Extent)
query_result = Int[]
query!(query_result, tree.rootnode, extent)
return unique(sort!(query_result))

query(tree::STRtree, geom) = query(tree, GI.extent(geom))

"""recursively query the nodes until a leaf node is reached"""
function query!(query_result::Vector{Int}, node::STRNode, extent::Extent)
if Extents.intersects(node.extent, extent)
for child in node.children
query!(query_result, child, extent)
return query_result

"""when leaf node is reached, push indices of geometries to query result"""
function query!(query_result::Vector{Int}, node::STRLeafNode, extent::Extent)
for i in eachindex(node.extents)
if Extents.intersects(node.extents[i], extent)
push!(query_result, node.indices[i])

export STRtree, query

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions src/STRtree.jl

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
ArchGDAL = "c9ce4bd3-c3d5-55b8-8973-c0e20141b8c3"
Extents = "411431e0-e8b7-467b-b5e0-f676ba4f2910"
GeoInterface = "cf35fbd7-0cd7-5166-be24-54bfbe79505f"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
using STRtree
using GISTRtree
using Test
using Extents
import ArchGDAL as AG
import GeoInterface as GI

@testset "STRtree.jl" begin
# Write your tests here.

@testset "GISTRtree.jl" begin
x = 1:100
y = 1:100
points = AG.createpoint.(x, y')
# polygons = AG.buffer.(points, 0.1)
tree = STRtree(points)
@test tree.rootnode isa GISTRtree.STRNode
@test tree.rootnode.children[1] isa GISTRtree.STRNode

query_result = query(tree, Extent(X=(0, 100.5), Y=(0, 1.5)))
@test query_result isa Vector{Int}
@test length(query_result) == 100
@test points[query_result] == points[:,1]

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