An app that allows users to view details of popular movies.
This app was created as a project for Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree. The app uses a RecyclerView to dynamically display data obtained from the TMDB API. The app utilizes Picasso to display images (url information gained from the TMDB API). A click listener is used to bring the user to a new activity showing details about the movie clicked on. In addition, a spinner control allows the user to choose movies sorted by popularity or by rating. Each time a sort option is chosen, data is obtained again from the API.
This particular example of the project only needs to contact the API once per sort since all the data is stored in a HashMap.
Important: anyone building this project will need to use his/her own key for the TMDB API. This can be obtained by creating an account at - And requesting an API key once a member.
After obtaining an API key, the developer will need to paste this key in the /res/values/strings.xml file. The string is at the top of the file and easy to find. Once the key is pasted, the project can be built and run. Please remove your API key before committing or uploading source code.