Hayai is a lightweight Model-View-Controller framework that allows for navigation and rendering of ERB templates, as well as database persistence and retrieval through the custom MonoRM ORM library.
Hayai requires the Ruby language, as well as git and the Bundler gem to be installed on the system.
The framework may be downloaded from github by running git clone https://github.com/mc962/hayai.git
Open a terminal window and navigate into the project directory
Run bundle install
in the terminal and follow any directions given such as installing any requirements that are needed for the application to run.
After the system is setup, run the commands below in the terminal to get things started!
As a purely Ruby-based application, a Hayai server can be easily be launched by typing
Ruby application_name. The demo application may be tested by running ruby bin/config.ru
If an error is thrown saying that no database is found, run the database setup using
ruby db/db_setup.rb
. The database may be setup by entering the appropriate information in the DATABASE_URL environment variable, which may be recorded in a .env
file located in the project's root directory. Be that this file is added to your .gitignore
file so that it is not committed to github, or do not put place any compromising credentials in it.
The following are instructions for the demo app bundled into the this repository. After the application is set up using the above listed commands, the demo app can be explored on the browser.
Users may click on a dragon's name to see information for the dragon, or click Hatch a Dragon!
to create a new dragon.
Hayai is capable of all 4 of the basic Create, Read, Update, and Destroy actions.
Users may create a dragon by entering the name, adding a url to the location where the picture is stored, and selecting a dragon's rider from the drop down list. Clicking Hatch!
will send the inputted information to the database to be stored, and then will redirect to the the newly hatched dragon's page.
N.B. Dragon images that are stored locally should be placed in the public folder, and be given a picture url name of /public/
A dragon's information may be retrieved from the database and displayed on either the dragon's personal page, or as a list of pictures and names on the main index display of dragons. A dragon's show page will also contain it's rider, and some of its memories, pulled from the database through an association.
A dragon's information may be changed (which is especially useful for mislabeled picture urls),
by clickingChange Me!
. This will take users to an edit form that will allow all the current dragon's attributes to be changed. When the user clicks Change
, the changes will be sent to the database and the dragon will be updated. The user will then be redirected to the updated dragon's personal page.
A dragon may be destroyed and deleted from the database by clicking the Slay the Dragon
button on the dragon's personal page. The dragon will be immediately deleted from the database, and the user will be redirected to the main dragon list page. Be careful!
In the event that you delete something that you want back, and it was present in the original database seed file, then run ruby db/db_setup.rb
again to reset the database back to its original state (This feature may only work locally and not on Heroku).
All controllers inherit from this base class. They make up the core of a web request in Hayai,
consisting of actions to be executed which may render a template or execute another action. The base controller is also able to handle Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, by specifying protect_from_forgery
in the child controller class.
The Router is responsible for writing new routes using received Regular Expression patterns.
The Flash allows the user to display temporary messages through storage in a temporary cookie _hayai_app_flash
cookie. Information stored in Flash.now will persist for the current render cycle, while information stored in Flash will persist for the current and next render cycle.
The session utilizes a _hayai_app
cookie to store persistent information relative to the session.
This middleware provides a way to gracefully handle certain types of exceptions, and render a neatly formatted template containing useful information such as what code threw the error, and the approximate line number of the code that threw the error.
This middleware provides the option to serve static assets including CSS, JavaScript, and images. A FileServer class is provided to serve the appropriate files, and is called in the event that a request comes through requesting a static asset.
Finish documentation for ORM, Flash message, Exceptions, Static Assets, CSRF protection
Package Hayai into a gem for easy install and use.
Terminal Commands - Currently everything is only runnable as a standard Ruby script. As the framework is fleshed out, support will be added for various commands and basic generations such as migrations.
DOM Traversal/Manipulation - At the time of this writing there is also a lightweight DOM Traversal and Manipulation library under development. When completed it will also be integrated into Hayai.
Bonus - Add authentication to demo for CRUD actions