Discord Time Bot is designed to allow easy conversion of times into your own timezone.
First you need to set your timezone by using /set-timezone
Once that is done you can right click or long press on any message from someone that has set their timezone and select Apps > Get Time
You can use the /help
command at any time to see these instructions.
This bot requires the Bun runtime.
- Set up a Discord Bot Application.
- Clone the repository.
- Run
bun install
in the root of the cloned repository. - Create a file called
in the root directory and fill it out with the information from the bot you created in step 1.
"token": string,
"clientId": string,
- Run
bun deploy-commands
. - Run
bun start
to start the bot. - Add your bot's
to this url and go to it to invite the bot to your server:https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=your client id here&permissions=274877908992&scope=bot