This is a fieldtype that can used as a stand-alone field, or within Grid or Bloqs setups. It is intended to be used for data tables and does not support the integration of other third-party fieldtypes in the way that something like Matrix would – only text values and labels can be used.
Everything including and between {table:rows} and {/table:rows} is standardized, there is no prefixing or variable changes that need to occur.
Example markup:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="table-data">
{if table:row_count == 1 && table:first_row_heading}
{if:elseif table:row_count == 2 && table:first_row_heading OR ! table:first_row_heading}
{if table:row_count == 1 && table:first_row_heading OR table:first_col_heading && table:col_count == 1}
{if table:row_count == 1 && table:first_row_heading}
{if:elseif table:row_count == table:total_rows}