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mike dupont committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent cbf2281 commit 57f8668
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Showing 9 changed files with 190 additions and 5 deletions.
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
GRAMMAR=`cat /mnt/data1/time2/time/2023/11/13/llama.cpp/grammars/chess.gbnf`
GRAMMAR=`cat ./grammars/chess.gbnf`
dune exec ./bin/simple_grammar.exe -- --llamacpp -s test4 -u "http://localhost:8080" -p "consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?" -n 4 -g "${GRAMMAR}"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
GRAMMAR=`cat /mnt/data1/time2/time/2023/11/13/llama.cpp/grammars/c.gbnf`
GRAMMAR=`cat ./grammars/c.gbnf`
dune exec ./bin/simple_grammar.exe -- --llamacpp -s clang2 -u "http://localhost:8080" -p "consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering? please create .c language declarations. " -n 4 -g "${GRAMMAR}"
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
DS=$(date -Iseconds)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
DS=$(date -Iseconds)
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions grammars/c.gbnf
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
root ::= (declaration)*

declaration ::= dataType identifier "(" parameter? ")" "{" statement* "}"

dataType ::= "int" ws | "float" ws | "char" ws
identifier ::= [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z_0-9]*

parameter ::= dataType identifier

statement ::=
( dataType identifier ws "=" ws expression ";" ) |
( identifier ws "=" ws expression ";" ) |
( identifier ws "(" argList? ")" ";" ) |
( "return" ws expression ";" ) |
( "while" "(" condition ")" "{" statement* "}" ) |
( "for" "(" forInit ";" ws condition ";" ws forUpdate ")" "{" statement* "}" ) |
( "if" "(" condition ")" "{" statement* "}" ("else" "{" statement* "}")? ) |
( singleLineComment ) |
( multiLineComment )

forInit ::= dataType identifier ws "=" ws expression | identifier ws "=" ws expression
forUpdate ::= identifier ws "=" ws expression

condition ::= expression relationOperator expression
relationOperator ::= ("<=" | "<" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | ">")

expression ::= term (("+" | "-") term)*
term ::= factor(("*" | "/") factor)*

factor ::= identifier | number | unaryTerm | funcCall | parenExpression
unaryTerm ::= "-" factor
funcCall ::= identifier "(" argList? ")"
parenExpression ::= "(" ws expression ws ")"

argList ::= expression ("," ws expression)*

number ::= [0-9]+

singleLineComment ::= "//" [^\n]* "\n"
multiLineComment ::= "/*" ( [^*] | ("*" [^/]) )* "*/"

ws ::= ([ \t\n]+)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions grammars/chess.gbnf
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Specifies chess moves as a list in algebraic notation, using PGN conventions

# Force first move to "1. ", then any 1-2 digit number after, relying on model to follow the pattern
root ::= "1. " move " " move "\n" ([1-9] [0-9]? ". " move " " move "\n")+
move ::= (pawn | nonpawn | castle) [+#]?

# piece type, optional file/rank, optional capture, dest file & rank
nonpawn ::= [NBKQR] [a-h]? [1-8]? "x"? [a-h] [1-8]

# optional file & capture, dest file & rank, optional promotion
pawn ::= ([a-h] "x")? [a-h] [1-8] ("=" [NBKQR])?

castle ::= "O-O" "-O"?
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions grammars/ebnf.ebnf.prompt
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
We are bootstrapping a new system using EBNF grammars.
We want to make an ebnf grammar that is super detailed and self expressive.
Here is the code we wrote so far
# GBNF (GGML BNF) is a format for defining formal grammars to constrain model outputs in llama.cpp.
# Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a notation for describing the syntax of formal languages like programming languages, file formats, and protocols. GBNF is an extension of BNF that primarily adds a few modern regex-like features.
# In GBNF, we define production rules that specify how a non-terminal (rule name) can be replaced with sequences of terminals (characters, specifically Unicode code points) and other non-terminals. The basic format of a production rule is nonterminal ::= sequence....

production_rule ::= alternation
lhs ::= identifier
rule ::= lhs S "=" S production_rule S | comment
root ::= ( S rule S ) *

# Terminals support the full range of Unicode. Unicode characters can be specified directly in the grammar, for example hiragana ::= [ぁ-ゟ], or with escapes: 8-bit (\xXX), 16-bit (\uXXXX) or 32-bit (\UXXXXXXXX).
range ::= "-"
factor_range ::= term S range S term

# Character ranges can be negated with ^:
negate ::= "^"

#Sequences and Alternatives
#The order of symbols in a sequence matter. For example, in "1. " move " " move "\n", the "1. " must come before the first move, etc.
concatenation ::= ( S factor S ? ) +

# Alternatives, denoted by |, give different sequences that are acceptable.
alternation ::= "|"
alternation ::= ( S concatenation S alternation ? ) +

# Parentheses () can be used to group sequences, which allows for embedding alternatives in a larger rule or applying repetition and optional symbols (below) to a sequence.
parens_open ::= "("
parens_close ::= ")"
parens ::= parens_open | parens_close

#Repetition and Optional Symbols
repetition_symbols ::= repetition_plus | repetition_star | repetition_optional

#* after a symbol or sequence means that it can be repeated zero or more times.
repetition_star ::= "*"

#+ denotes that the symbol or sequence should appear one or more times.
repetition_plus ::= "+"

#? makes the preceding symbol or sequence optional.
repetition_optional ::= "?"

#Comments and newlines
#Comments can be specified with #:
comment ::= "#" [a-zA-Z0-9 \t]*

# Newlines are allowed between rules and between symbols or sequences nested inside parentheses. Additionally, a newline after an alternate marker | will continue the current rule, even outside of parentheses.

letter ::= [a-zA-Z]
digit ::= [0-9]
S ::= ( " " | "\n" | "\t" | "\r" )
braces_open ::= "["
braces_close ::= "]"
braces_symbol ::= braces_open | braces_close

quote ::= "\""
assignment ::= "::="

symbol ::= braces_symbol | parens | quotes |assignment | alternation | range | repetition_symbols | negate

character ::= letter | digit | symbol | "_" | " "
identifier ::= letter ( letter | digit | "_" )*
terminal ::= quote character+ quote
group ::= parens_open S production_rule S parens_close
range_term ::= braces_open S production_rule S braces_close
term ::= group |range_term | terminal | identifier

repetition ::= term S occurence
factor_negate ::= negate S factor
factor ::= repetition |factor_range | term S
ENDSRC . Lets rewrite this EBNF to be more expressive and explicit in its naming but keep the syntax the same for compatibility with GBNF and llama.cpp.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions grammars/ebnf2.ebnf
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
comment ::= "#" [a-zA-Z0-9 \t]*
letter ::= [a-zA-Z]
digit ::= [0-9]
S ::= ( " " | "\n" | "\t" | "\r" )
# Removed unused symbol rule

character ::= letter | digit | "_" | " "
identifier ::= letter ( letter | digit | "_" )*
terminal ::= "'" character "'" ( character "'""'"
terminator ::= (";" | "."

term ::= "(" S rhs S ")" | "[" S rhs S "]" | "{" S rhs S "}" | terminal | identifier

factor ::= term S "?" | term S "*" | term S "+" | term S "-" S term | term S

concatenation ::= ( S factor S ","? ) +
alternation ::= ( S concatenation S "|"? ) +

rhs ::= alternation
lhs ::= identifier

rule ::= lhs S "=" S rhs S terminator comment*
root ::= comment* ( S rule S ) *

Changes made:

* Removed the unused `symbol` rule.
* Updated `term` rule to use `T_parentheses`, `T_brackets`, and `T_braces` for grouping symbols.
* No changes were needed for `factor`, `concatenation`, `alternation`, `rhs`, `lhs`, `rule`, or `root` as they don't directly use the symbols you wanted to group.
I hope this is helpful!
We are bootstrapping a new system using EBNF grammars.
We want to make an ebnf grammar that is super detailed.
for each rule we want to create a nameing rule for the rules that have them all start with prd. each token should be called tkn.
if a token is used in a rule lets make it prd_<prod name>_tkn_<token name>
Here is the code we wrote so far
take inputs :
grammar : A
Previous Results : D initially, Initial example : B
New Example : C
Created new output D.
Test D. If good, repeat loop with new D. Othewise feed error back to create new D up to 3 times.
start with this following code and rewrite it to suit our needs.
let rec fold_left op acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h :: t -> fold_left op (op acc h) t

ENDSRC . Lets create a new EBNF that is more expressive and explicit.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
GRAMMAR=$( cat ~/experiments/gbnf_parser/grammars/ebnf.ebnf)
GRAMMAR=$( cat ./grammars/ebnf.ebnf)
echo "consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?" > prompt.txt

dune exec ./bin/simple_grammar.exe -- --llamacpp -s test4 -u "http://localhost:8080" -n 4 -g "$GRAMMAR" -p prompt.txt

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