A simple utility framework which can be used to read config.properties file easily.
Getting Started
This page includes all the information you need to get started including setup, usage, advantages, sample test.
What to do when you need help?
Discuss your queries by writing to me at:
Mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @mfaisal_khatri
LinkedIn: Mohammad Faisal Khatri
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How to use this Framework:
- Add the following dependency in your pom.xml file:
- Reading "Config.Properties" is made much simple and easy now. Check the sample code and tests below:
This is the config file extract:
searchtext=Apple iphone 8
- Once the dependency jar is downloaded in project, Use "PropertiesReader" class and get the values from the properties file in below defined way:
public void Test() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Throwable {
PropertiesReader prop = new PropertiesReader();
String srch = prop.getKey("searchtext");
System.out.println("Value of search text key is: " +srch);
Assert.assertEquals(srch, "Apple iphone 8");
In the above case, Getter/Setter can also be created to get values from the properties file. Exceptions have been handled while reading file or when file is not found, so you don't have to worry, if any thing goes wrong in tests. Appropriate logs will be generated in project folder when exception is caught.