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This project uses OOP to program a calculator with a GUI.


The main goal of this project was to demonstrate how OOP can be used to create a simple application. Especial attention was paid to documentation and testing. As this was a side project, many desired functionalities are missing, but the existing features are functional.

A class diagram representing the project's architecture has been provided below:

    class Main{
        +main(String[] args)void

    class CalculatorUI{
        -Scene scene
        +start(Stage primaryStage)void

    class ButtonFactory{
        +createButtonGrid(TextField field)GridPane
        -createSymbolInputButtons(GridPane buttonGrid, TextField field)void
        -createOperatorInputButtons(GridPane buttonGrid, TextField field)void

    class CalculatorController{
        +handleOperatorInput(TextField field, String operator)void
        +handleSymbolInput(TextField field, String symbol)void
        +formatAndInsertResult(double result, TextField field)void

    class Parser{
        -String expression
        +Parser(String expression)Parser

    class CalculatorLogic{
        -Operation addition
        -Operation subtraction
        -Operation multiplication
        -Operation division
        -Operation exponent
        -Operation squareRoot
        +calculate(double a, double b, String operator)

    class Operation{
        +operate(double a, double b)double*
    <<Abstract>> Operation

    Main ..> CalculatorUI
    CalculatorUI ..> ButtonFactory
    ButtonFactory ..> CalculatorController
    CalculatorController ..> CalculatorLogic
    Parser <.. CalculatorController 
    CalculatorLogic ..> Addition
    CalculatorLogic ..> Subtraction
    CalculatorLogic ..> Division
    CalculatorLogic ..> Multiplication
    CalculatorLogic ..> Exponent
    CalculatorLogic ..> SquareRoot
    Addition --|> Operation
    Subtraction --|> Operation
    Division --|> Operation
    Multiplication --|> Operation
    Exponent --|> Operation
    SquareRoot --|> Operation

A file diagram to represent the file herarchy. (This diagram is also available as a .graphml-file).

An image representing the file hierarchy


The project has been built with the following technologies:

Technology Utility Version
Java Programming language 23.0.2
Apache Maven Project management 3.9.9
Javadoc Code documentation 3.6.2
Junit Unit testing 5.11.0
TestFX End-To-End testing 4.0.18
JaCoCo Test Coverage Reporting 0.8.12

If you want further information about the project's dependancies, run mvn site in the project directory. This will create the target/site-directory, where index.html contains further information about Maven dependancies.



This project only requires Java and Maven to function. This project likely functions across multiple versions, but in case it doesn't, please use the versions specified. Git Bash is the easiest method of copying the project, but the source code can be downloaded without it.


To clone the code from the repository, use the command

git clone

Note: When running mvn commands, you must be in the project directory, where e.g.pom.xml and src are located!

To compile the project, use

mvn clean compile

after which you can run the project using

mvn exec:java


To run the tests, use

mvn test

This will run the tests using Junit and TestFX, additionally it generates two test reports.

  1. JaCoCo To view the JaCoCo report, go to the target/site/jacoco-folder you'll find index.html, which will contain information on the test run, as well as test coverage and branch coverage. To view, the report, drag it to the browser of your choice.
  2. Surefire To view the surefire report, go to the target/site-folder you'll find surefire-report.html, which will contain information on the test run.


The project uses Javadoc to produce code documentation. Javadoc is integrated into Maven, so to generate the report, use

mvn javadoc:javadoc

This will create the documentation into the target/site/apidocs folder. Drag the index.html to your browser of choice to view the documentation. This opens up a view which looks like the following: An image of the Javadoc view

Command cheat sheet

command What does it do?
git clone Clones the repository to your computer
mvn clean compile Compiles the project
mvn exec:java Runs the project
mvn test Runs the tests, generates test reports
mvn site Generates documentation
mvn javadoc:javadoc Generates javadoc documentation

Time used

  • General setup: 1,5h
  • Development: 11h
  • Documentation: 5h
  • Testing: 3,5h (Unit tests: 1,5h, E2E: 2h)
  • Total: 20h


No description, website, or topics provided.






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